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Monday, December 28th 2020, 6:14pm

Old Trinkets

Anyone who is an old player will possibly remember those items that in past updates were powerful, nowadays they are no more than just "Toys", since their effects have long ceased to be useful, but it is worth taking a look at how they are today, link to the video.

It is just a mere memory of the game in its classic form.


Monday, December 28th 2020, 8:38pm


Monday, December 28th 2020, 10:00pm


Tuesday, December 29th 2020, 12:04am

não havia um item onde você pudesse jogar um inimigo fora? tipo empurrá-lo de um penhasco?
Of course, that wouldn't be horrible, only a bad soul would throw enemies in the astral using an old item


Tuesday, December 29th 2020, 12:06am

Eu gosto de escudo trinket 3.0 :)
Ainda tenho, mas bloqueia suas habilidades, na época era bom para o tanque

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