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Monday, January 4th 2021, 3:57am

I wish a classic server was a thing

Hey guys, I haven't played this game in so long because I can't stand the current state of the game but I was thinking about how cool it would be if the devs would release a classic pay to play server of Allods like how World of Warcraft did for nostalgia purposes. I don't believe something like this would ever happen or even be considered but I bet a lot of old players, such as myself, would return to the game just to relive the game we fell in love with 10 or so years ago. If only


Monday, January 4th 2021, 7:51am


Monday, January 4th 2021, 2:43pm

100% agree, kill the current subscription server. Start a new one on original game with 40 patch, maybe eventually to 42 patch but without runes. Leave it be like that.


Thursday, January 7th 2021, 12:04am


Sunday, January 10th 2021, 12:50pm

What about people that want to play the official live version with all the new patches without cash shop?
Why kill the p2p when you can simply make another new p2p legacy server?


Friday, January 15th 2021, 7:41am



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