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Sunday, January 17th 2021, 9:37pm

P2P Server

Just thought Id put this here. I decided to give it a shot today and it's amazing, absolutely fantastic. Perfectly balanced and exactly how this game should be.

The only down side is there is zero population. The AH was completely empty. The biggest crime is that this server isn't pushed or advertised.

To be honest when was the last time allods was properly advertised?


Sunday, January 17th 2021, 10:18pm

How can you tell anything about balance if there is noone to battle with? Also, why would you auction anything on a server where gold has no value as there is nothing to buy with it? :rolleyes:


Sunday, January 17th 2021, 11:04pm

League has quite some players playing daily if that's good enough for you. It's not what it's been and never will be anymore. Despite me hoping for it everyday. :love:


Monday, January 18th 2021, 9:18am

It still exists? o.o
God bless , Draga is still keeping it active :P
I envy you.
You think you can change things.
Stop the
Undo what was done long before you came along.
You are such
beautiful creatures.


Monday, January 18th 2021, 9:54am

It still exists? o.o
God bless , Draga is still keeping it active :P

Noo lol, it's gotten dead already, we moved to another game (according to mods, it's another game), but I returned cause some friends still played there and I am quite enjoying it still :D
Been so long I've seen your name, uka!!
What you been up to!? 8o

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