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Saturday, June 11th 2022, 6:21am

Looking for guilds

I'm a newbie and looking for a guild to join, it doesn't have to be super active or anything but maybe like just there to say hi and run dungeons/raids now and then or smth. I'm a lvl 37 empire priden on p2p server.


Monday, June 13th 2022, 2:44pm

I'm a newbie and looking for a guild to join, it doesn't have to be super active or anything but maybe like just there to say hi and run dungeons/raids now and then or smth. I'm a lvl 37 empire priden on p2p server.

Welcome to Allods!

You are also welcome to join our Discord server. You can also search for a guild there.


Monday, June 13th 2022, 9:51pm

Hi bud!
We're active on P2P but on league. I am afraid empire is close to dead :(
This is our unofficial p2p discord . Let me know if u want to swap to league :)


Tuesday, June 14th 2022, 12:54am

Does a faction change exist or would I have to start a whole new character?


Tuesday, June 14th 2022, 5:24am

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