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Thursday, September 15th 2022, 3:22pm

stuck on how to start questing at level 95

So I bought the ark to level to 95, but now I have no idea where to continue to get to level 100, could anyone help me?


Thursday, September 15th 2022, 8:24pm



Posts: 65

Location: Irene Brothel

Occupation: drunked gibberling

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You need to talk with Alice in Novograd or Nezebgrad to got to Suslanger, there you need to finish the story quests to get the quest to go to Eden.
You also can level up with different ways as Astral allods, Distortions (press ctrl+M and go to Dungeon tab) battle ground pvp(same window as Astral allods, but go to skirmishes tab).
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