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Friday, December 2nd 2022, 11:49am

Astral Keys became obsolete?!

Dear Sarnaution gods,
Gearing has become obsolete. We're week 2 of the 10 weeks a layer is supposed to last, and I am done gearing already.
All my legendary tier 3 is as strong as t2 fabled. So no use in crafting anymore unless I want stats to be able to change.
And that's the end of my story :D
I know the gearing speed up was doubled by already 20% of a layer and being done with gearing feels weird, odd.
Was this intended?
We're being fed 3xt3's this week, and the next week. Not even mentioning Melting Isle. Why bother crafting anymore :D
Is it a means for non raiders to somehow keep up with gear via gold, but still not as strong as raiders?
I wonder...
Nevertheless, Astral Keys are just an object of Order Prestige now :D
Current gear of post date and time:


Saturday, December 3rd 2022, 10:11pm



Posts: 520

Location: Sweden

Occupation: Studying

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this is only implied to p2p eu where u get T3 easily from MI and people doing Nihaz, while 70% of the server on f2p are not doing Nihaz or MI(or get hunted by top guilds in MI not getting their chests). They need T2´s. Maybe play on a polulated server so you dont gear as fast.
I am PioPico


Sunday, December 4th 2022, 1:39pm

if you reached "max gear" be happy, this means the most tedious part of the game is done and you can enjoy the actual funny things like PVP :thumbup:
just get in game, sign PVP and go
no gearup-hassle. only pvp in BG :love:


Sunday, December 4th 2022, 11:02pm

Maybe play on a polulated server so you dont gear as fast

lol salty.

I don't think MI matters anymore giving 1 t3 each 2 weeks (if u dont pick random) where as Nihaz gives almost 3 a week, and that's seperate from how populated your server is.


Tuesday, December 27th 2022, 12:47am



Posts: 2

Location: Miami, FL

Occupation: Android app developer

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I don't think this is the best solution in this situation, there are alternatives

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