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How is the in-game population doing?
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Virgule" (Mar 5th 2023, 12:09am)
there are certain players in game and if some of them comes your team in pvp you win if dont you lose. ım just dying in pvp man ıts soo boring in mmorp game what is that game mean if ı just going and get oneshot and doing nothing??? and mmorpg??? ım just saying my last pvp game was just like this: game started and ı ran to middle and one ''healler'' teleported me and oneshot me btw ım a warrior man WHERE İS THE LOGİC OF THİS MMORPG GAME MAN IM A WARRİOR AND YOU ARE HEALLER HOW CAN U ONESHOT ME THATS NONESENSE ıts just run and die simulator for begginers
Hoping against reality that the p2p server will suddenly have just enough population that I can actually enjoy playing.
(Stretch Goal) Create new animations for player character skills that can be used as animation skins. For example, if a player rolls is a Mage and casts frostbolt they can get a waterbolt animation to apply to the skill. All it does is change the frost bolt to look like a water bolt. Purely cosmetic. This lets players really fine tune their character customization.
Actually market the server launch. If you can't afford a marketing budget, reach out to streamers and content creators. Be human. B upfront and say you are an old game looking for one more shot at glory. Then offer them some in-game reward in exchange for their stream or review or whatever they produce on behalf of Allods. There are those that would do this gladly.