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Friday, May 5th 2023, 1:33am


Hello , guys

I thought that mercenaries are in the game if you can't find a party to do group adventures / quests . Soooo wrong

I;m in the Oreshek Fortress , with the mercenary captain and i can't hire mercenaries to help me finish .

What should I do ?

Thank you for listening and understanding

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "user_237366394" (May 5th 2023, 1:38am)


Friday, May 5th 2023, 7:49am


If I remember correctly I think you should be able to get mercs for the Fortress :wacko: Did you leave it and enter it again? Maybe that helps or restart the game which well you probably did already by now so maybe check it again next time you will log in again!

Hope it´s solved next time you´ll try to do the Fortress! Have a nice day :thumbsup:
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