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Friday, October 27th 2023, 10:29pm

How is the Situation on the P2P?

Hello guys and girls,

how is the population on the P2P Server, I kinda miss playing Allods Online. Is there any population there or is it dead like before?


Friday, October 27th 2023, 11:50pm

Hey Memo!

I´m not very informed about the P2P Server anymore but my last information about it was that both sides had a good amount of people to do content. (BG´s still needed a bit of communication to make it pop I guess) But when I check the Dominion Tab now it seems like Empire side lost players again. Would need someone from P2P to confirm tho.

But what also could help in this thread is a Link to an Allods P2P Discord Server. -> Summy

Hope that helped for now!

Greetings! :thumbsup:
Allods Online Discord


Saturday, October 28th 2023, 1:42pm

Hey, Empire side is empty, but on League we are very active, we do raids, heroics daily, maze and everything in endcontent.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "reRetribution" (Nov 1st 2023, 5:30pm) with the following reason: statements that can cause negative consequences for the gameplay

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