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Thursday, December 14th 2023, 3:52pm



  • "Rupeck" started this thread

Posts: 65

Location: Irene Brothel

Occupation: drunked gibberling

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Support for translation

It would be nice if the game supported translation files. If it enable us to edit the text files used to load HUD, NPC conversation and options etc. It would allow us to translate the game for our native languages, I was working in a addon some time ago to translate HUD and NPC conversation, but it was a bit hard since I needed find the component and change the text through script, it also doesnt work very well. Since the game has a global server, it would be great if the community has the option to translate it for themselves.
Rupeck - Psi
Lkledu - Healer
LEAGUE - (F2P) Evolution Server


Thursday, December 14th 2023, 5:36pm

Hello Rupeck!

It´s not planned atm but I will pass it forward as a suggestion! :thumbsup:

Allods Online Discord

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