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Wednesday, January 22nd 2020, 1:14pm

What rank do i get for support buff ?

Putting more points only improve the duration of the buff, so which rank should i get to be comfortable to play with ?

I'm talking about acceleration / power / bloodthirst ... playing support bard.
Some play with rank 1 or 2 buff, some take everything to 3 ... i don't know what to do


Wednesday, January 22nd 2020, 9:28pm



Posts: 520

Location: Sweden

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rank 3
I am PioPico


Thursday, January 23rd 2020, 5:29am

Considering engineers use only r2 for bloodlust cause buffing goes faster thanks to his defensive abilities being off your gcd, where as bard has barrier ON your gcd, bard takes more time to rotate the buffs and thus bard would need higher ranks. r3 is the most comfortable, r2 is doable but you'll lean more towards tryharding and mistakes.


Thursday, January 23rd 2020, 2:01pm

2 if your veteran, 3 if your newbie or for pvp in couse you get cc same like in engi, more sec give you more frame of time to use devices/dispell abilitis witchout droping buff
most optimal is 3 for pover/venegace 2 for blood/caution, as dps buff need be keeped all time, and bloodlost or caution is used periodically


Thursday, January 23rd 2020, 9:19pm



Posts: 520

Location: Sweden

Occupation: Studying

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pover = power , venegace = valiance, blood = bloodthirst, caution = courage, If his spelling wasnt already bad bad he dont know skill names so I translated for you.
I am PioPico


Friday, January 24th 2020, 11:30am


Friday, January 31st 2020, 3:22pm


Tuesday, July 23rd 2024, 7:23am

In many games, particularly those with role-playing elements or team-based gameplay, "support buff" refers to a skill or ability that enhances the performance of allies rather than directly attacking or causing damage to enemies.

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