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Wednesday, July 31st 2024, 11:15am

Returning player needs advice

It has been probably 12 or more years since i played and really not sure where to start. My character is 60 has patronage 5 and second ear 10/9 runes. I also have several reincarnations. Not really looking to skip the leveling process at this time as I think I need to relearn the game. Other than the level skip what would you as an experienced player invest in or work toward if you were me.


Wednesday, July 31st 2024, 7:19pm

Hello there Miniwall!

When I returned to the game I had a lot to catching up to do with the classes and the whole game. Obs / Nihaz gearing system.. everything was new for me. I looked for a guild where active members were to be able to ask for help. Was the easiest way to get used to everything again. Investing wise probably WoD is quite useful so you can change your build and try out some different builds maybe. Also the Collectors Edition is always a good investion. Next one should come just before 15.0 and it contains a coupon for a good mount, outfit and also a lvl 10 and lvl 13 temporary rune (Which will turn into CC after 30 days!) Also some other things. And then it´s always good to get your runes up ofc if you want and to get leggy and better perma items.

Hope that helped for now!

Greetings :thumbsup:
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