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Thursday, August 8th 2024, 11:30am

Patch Notes 15.0

Important: The description below does not guarantee the completeness of the changes and fixes in the upcoming updates. Some special names and item names may differ from the in-game translation.


  • The maximum character level has been increased to 110.
  • The following in-game entities held by characters have been removed:
    - Coins of Free Traders
  • The cost of Symbols of Gold, which can be purchased with various in-game currencies, has been adjusted to make the acquisition rate more consistent across different activities, taking into account bonuses and reward limitations. Detailed information on price changes will be provided in the relevant sections.
  • Prices on the Negotiant have been revised.
  • The calculation principle for the damage of skills and abilities of shells, as well as modules and augmentations of adaptive armor, has been changed.
    - The damage dealt now depends on the character's attributes and no longer ignores effects on the target that reduce or increase incoming damage (however, effects on the character that reduce or increase outgoing damage are still ignored).
    - The damage values and descriptions of the corresponding skills and abilities have been adjusted.
    - The effect of the skill 'Crystal Prison', applied by an ally, can now be removed by the affected player. The effect is no longer removed by skills that grant immunity to slowing or immobilizing effects.

  • The following in-game entities, present in characters' inventories, have been removed:
    - Enchanted Material
    - Enchanted Matter
    - Enchanted Dust
    - Enchanted Shards
    - Reinforcement Scrolls
    - Amalgam
    - Drops of Amalgam
    - Realgar
    - Grains of Realgar
    - Dominion Tools
    - Magic Tools
    - Equipment Designs
    - Isa Tool Designs
    - Ethereal Equipment
    - Workpieces for crafting 2nd Rank Equipment Items
    - Workpieces for crafting 3rd Rank Equipment Items.
  • Prices and availability of certain items related to character equipment and its enhancement (such as Loot Boxes, Enchanted Matter, etc.) have been revised.
  • Quantity of items related to character equipment and its enhancement, obtained in various activities (such as Astral Islands, distortions, and other adventures), has been revised.
  • Cost of Dragon Quintessence for free servers has been reduced (now it matches the cost on subscription servers).
  • Costs for crafting Workpieces for 2nd Rank Equipment have been revised.
  • Costs for creating 2nd Rank Equipment Items on the Anvil of Artifacts have been revised (additionally, the costs of Enchanted Dust have been further reduced).
  • Costs for converting Enchanted Material into Astralium Material have been revised (additionally, the costs of Enchanted Dust have been further reduced).
  • Costs for creating Hero Insignias and Flaming Crown Insignia on the Anvil of Artifacts have been revised (additionally, the costs of Enchanted Dust have been further reduced).
  • The system for obtaining Workpieces for crafting 3rd Rank Equipment Items has been changed:
    - More details about this change can be read in the article "15.0 - Upgraded equipment obtaining system"

  • Following in-game entities, present in characters' inventories, have been removed:
    - Faded Elixir
    - Dust of Creation
    - Gifts of Dreams
    - Gifts of the First: compensated with Faded Elixir
    - Essence of Ice: compensated with Faded Elixir
    - Echo of Ice: compensated with Faded Elixir (rarity)
    - Artifact 'Legacy of the Gods': compensated with Faded Elixir
    - Prophetic Dreams
  • Faded Elixir can be spent at Relic Masters on various goods.

Game client and Interface
(!) Please note that active work is currently underway to prepare for the transition of the client to x64 architecture. As a result, some unforeseen side effects may occur. We ask you to report such cases and send crash reports if they occur.
  • Increased grass rendering distance.
  • On several locations, the corresponding high-resolution sky textures are now correctly used if the "Sky Quality" parameter is set to "High".
  • [Smugglers Paradise] Fixed incorrect display of the "Achievements" window when inspecting another character.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented opening certain menu items on the skill panel, which were automatically hidden when using some lower resolutions.

Third-Party Integrations

  • The game client now supports transmitting character activity status (Rich Presence) to Discord.
  • This feature can be enabled in the "Interface" - "Third-Party Programs and Integrations" settings section.
  • The extended status supports displaying the following information:
    - Character class and level
    - Current location
    - Character's group/party status
    - Information about the current battle/activity the character is participating in.

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Lazy_Bird" (Aug 8th 2024, 12:13pm)


Thursday, August 8th 2024, 11:31am


  • New Location – Jigran

    A mysterious misty allod with a rich history is now the capital of Sarnaut, where its new ruler, Hirkalla, the goddess of Darkness, the named daughter of Nihaz, holds the reins of power in the city of Dar-Ulgorn. However, not everything is well. Numerous Sparks, released by Hirkalla from Nihaz's Casket, have gathered on the allod, awaiting their future resurrection. Those who had enough strength to become ghosts suffer from attacks by distorted creatures – relics of ancient times imbued with Dark magic. Hirkalla's fiercest enemy is the Church of Light, with its most relentless follower being the Templar Hiero. Occupying the Cathedral of Light on Jigran, by the power of his faith, he has managed to create an impenetrable shield and a system of beacons that do not allow darkness to even approach their stronghold. To fight the enemies of the sovereign, an entire army has been created, consisting of those who have already revived and vampires under the command of Annette de Tristesse. But even they fear to venture into the network of catacombs beneath the city, where, according to rumors, a mysterious Madman, a kidnapper of others' Sparks, resides.

  • New storyline

    This expansion continues the storyline that began in the "Call of the Legends" update. Heroes will witness the deeds of Hirkalla, observe how the inhabitants of Sarnaut react, and most importantly, encounter forces that are even greater than the gods. Who is the hero of Sarnaut really, and what is their true Destiny? These answers await everyone who steps onto the misty streets of the Capital of Shadows and reaches the finale of this story, which will unfold in update 15.1.

Kingdom of Elements
  • Maze items purchased for Kingdom of Elements emblems have been moved to a separate set of goods available from Eugen Loikov.
  • The range of goods offered by Eugeny Loikov now includes "Magic Tool Designs" and "Unsteady Matter".
  • The cost of the Symbol of Gold purchased from Eugeny Loikov is now 415 Kingdom of Elements emblems (previously 1200).

  • The cost of the Symbol of Gold purchased from Laurus is now 100 Dionic Emblems (previously 200).

Tka-Rik Cave
  • The cost of the Symbol of Gold purchased from Servant of Nihaz is now 9 Demon Sparks (was 20).

Private Allod
  • Maze Rating Season has ended, rewards have been sent out.
    - Low Difficulty: Supply Crate.
    - Normal Difficulty: Right of Destruction.
    - High Difficulty: Right of Destruction x3.
    - Very High Difficulty: Right of Violence x1, Right of Destruction x5.
    - Nightmare Difficulty: Right of Violence x3, Right of Destruction x8, Dungeon Keeper's Tome.
  • Maze Defender Ranks and Buffs have been reset.


Thursday, August 8th 2024, 11:32am


  • Drops of Living and Dead Water have been sent to all characters level 10 and above.
  • Potions and elixirs that increase certain types of damage now also affect pets and assistants.

  • Added an enhanced version of the "Singing Blade" talent - "Solo Blade".
  • Talent "Requiem":
    - The range of the talent is increased to 40 yards.
    - Adjusted the functionality of the skill. Fixed a bug when the bonus from the “Dagger Waltz” and “Dance of Passion” rubies was counted twice when dealing damage to additional targets.
    - Fixed a bug due to which the character's Swiftness stat did not affect the effects of "Anguish" and "Serious Bleeding" on additional targets.
    - Now the effect of the “Rhapsody” ruby under the influence of “Requiem” will also apply to additional targets.
    - Etudes under the influence of "Requiem" no longer trigger on additional targets if "Cautious Combat" is active.
    - The percentage of Etudes' damage dealt to additional targets has been increased to 15/35/55% (previously 10/20/30%).
  • Talent "Marsch":
    - Damage dealt increased by ~30%.
    - The skill no longer transfers to adjacent targets if "Cautious Combat" is active.
  • Talent "Tunes of War": no longer requires tempo to use.
  • New ruby “Phase Inversion”: allows you to use the “Sound Barrier” and “Resonance Barrier” talents without spending tempo.
  • New ruby “Creator's Mastery”: increases Proficiency by 30/60/90 points.
  • New ruby "Aria of War"
    - Increases the duration of "Tunes of War" talent by 25%.
    - (Aspect of Assault) The first etude used under the effect of "Tunes of War" will apply "Vulnerability" to the main target"
  • New ruby “March of War”: (Aspect of Assault) Reduces the cooldown time of “March” by 15/30%.
  • Ruby “Omen of Death”: now the effects of the ruby are applied at the beginning of using Etudes.
  • Ruby "Heart Killer": no longer imposes the "Vulnerability" effect.
  • Ruby “Sweet Voice”: now has an additional effect that allows you to use “Romance” without tempo costs.
  • Ruby “Unexpected turn”: will now trigger with a 100% chance, the duration of knockdown will depend on the rank of the ruby.
  • Ruby "Recitative": now has 4 ranks, the damage bonus to "March" has been increased to 80/160/240/320% (previously 10/20/30%).
  • Ruby "Heart Strings": now has 4 ranks, damage bonus changed to 9/18/27/36% (from 10/20/30%).
  • Ruby "Living Steel"
    - Fixed a bug when the bonus from the "Dance of Passion" ruby was counted twice when dealing damage with a "Deep Wound".
    - "Deep Wound" damage will now also be increased by effects and abilities that increase Etudes' damage.
  • Ruby “Dance of Passion”: fixed a bug due to which the 1st and 3rd ranks of the ruby were increasing the outgoing damage bonus incorrectly.
  • Ruby "Dagger Waltz": bonus to damage dealt reduced to 30/40/50% (previously 30/40/60%)
  • Changed the location of talents and rubies.
  • Changed icons of some talents and rubies.

  • Talent "Ice Citadel": now has 3 ranks.
  • Talent "Flash Lightning": now has 3 ranks.
  • Talent "Hold in Contempt": now, when applied to opponents who are not playable characters, imposes "Helplessness" on them instead of "Silence".
  • Talent "Meteor":
    - Information has been added to the description that the spell generates one element of fire.
    - Fixed a bug due to which the mage's Supremacy stat did not increase the chance of receiving a second fire element when using Meteor.
  • Talent "Cataclysm":
    - Damage dealt increased by ~40%.
    - Fixed a bug due to which the damage of a talent was reduced if it completely consumed the dragon tears equipped on the character.
  • Talents "Flare" and "Explosion": when used, no longer trigger each other's cooldown.
  • Talents "Icy Comet" and "Icy Meteor": damage dealt increased by ~5%.
  • Racial talent "Synergy": now reduces elemental costs by 100% for 8 sec. (previously by 50% for 15 sec.).
  • New ruby “Astral Storm”: allows “Electric Pulse” and “Thunderhead” talents to deal 25/35/45/55% damage to enemies within a radius of 8 around the main target.
  • New ruby “Icy Shards”: allows “Ice Flow” to deal additional damage (3 ranks).
  • New ruby “Volcanic Bolt”: allows “Shocking Grasp” applied in the Aspect of Support under the influence of the “Might of Fire” effect to inflict additional fire damage, depending on the target’s missing health.
  • New ruby “Academician”: increases the Proficiency by 30/60/90 points.
  • Rubies "Ever Frost" and "Storm Warning"
    - The number of ranks has been increased to 6.
    - The duration of the corresponding effects is now 5/7/9/11/13/15 sec. (previously 14 sec.), and the increase in damage dealt is 15/20/25/30/35/40% (previously 9/18/27/36/45% and 10/20/30/40/50%, respectively).
    - Effects now have a 25% (previously 40%) chance to trigger, but if they fail, the chance to trigger on the next skill uses is doubled (so effects will be guaranteed to trigger for no more than 3 uses of the corresponding skills).
  • Ruby "Piercing Cold":
    - "Snowstorm" cooldown reduction has been increased to 30/50/70% (previously 20/35/50%).
    - Movement speed while using the talent is now 35/50/65% (previously 25/50/75%).
  • Ruby "Uncontrollable Flame":
    - The number of ranks has been increased to 4.
    - "Flare" and "Explosion" damage to additional targets has been increased by 100%.
    - A new effect has been added that allows the mage, when using Supernova, to leave an area of ​​​​hot plasma underneath him, causing damage to enemies.
  • Ruby "Tectonic Shift":
    - The number of ranks has been increased to 3.
    - Now grants immunity to control effects and slow effects for 1.5/2/2.5 sec.
  • Ruby "Fiery Trail":
    - The number of ranks has been increased to 3.
    - Allows you to move while affected by "Flash Lightning" 20/30/40% faster and use "Meteor" while moving at a 75/55/35% reduced speed.
  • Ruby "Conflagration":
    - Fixed a bug due to which not all fire skills applied the effect.
    - The effect will now be additionally applied depending on the "Uncontrollable Flame" talent damage dealt.
  • Ruby "Elemental Wrath"
    - Now renamed to "Icy Lightnings"
    - Damage bonus reduced to 6/12/18/24% (previously 10/20/30/40%).
  • Ruby "Deep Frost": now deleted
  • Changed the location of talents and rubies.
  • Changed icons of some talents and rubies.


Thursday, August 8th 2024, 11:33am

  • Damage dealt reduced by ~12%.
  • Talent "Burst of Mana"
    - Fixed a bug due to which the duration of the effects of periodic damage from the talent and from the “Heavy Isotopes” ruby did not depend on the character’s Swiftness stat, and their damage was not increased by the Supremacy stat.
    - Skill damage reduced by 55%. Additional damage from the “Heavy Isotopes” ruby has been increased by ~12%.
    - The skill no longer has a cooldown.
    - The skill description has been adjusted.
  • Talent "Reactor Blowdown":
    - Damage dealt increased by 20%.
    - The skill no longer has a cooldown.
  • The recovery time of the “Acid Turret” after using the “Light Turret” and vice versa has been adjusted. The shots period in the description of turrets has been adjusted.
  • "Light Turret" damage reduced by ~10%, "Acid Turret" damage increased by ~33%.
  • Talent "Colossus"
    - Fixed a bug due to which not all "Colossus" damage received the bonus from the “Top-Level Engineer” rubies.
    - Fixed a bug that caused the damage of the "Colossus" to decrease in the last seconds of its duration when the “Increased Energy Absorption” rubies were activated.
    - The "Colossus" now only attacks enemies with the "Thunder Fist" skill, and its damage has been adjusted accordingly.
    - The skill description has been adjusted.
  • Talent “Destructive Shots”: maintenance of the skill is no longer interrupted after the death of the main target.
  • Racial ability "Firecracker": no longer applies control effects to pets and summoned assistants.
  • New ruby “Inventor’s Determination”: increases Determination stat by 30/60/90 points.
  • The bonus to damage from the rubies “Biohazard” and “Doped steel” has been increased to 12/24/36% (previously 6/12/18% and 5/10/15%, respectively).
  • Ruby "Top-Level Engineer": now has 3 ranks and increases the damage of mechanisms by 15/20/25%.
  • Ruby “Increased Energy Absorption”: now has 3 ranks and increases the lifetime of mechanisms by 15/30/45%.
  • Ruby "Isolated Heat Exchange":
    - Now has 3 ranks, generates 15/20/25 degrees of temperature and additionally increases the damage dealt with "Destructive Shots" by 10/20/30%.
    - Fixed a bug due to which the temperature was generated for each enemy hit.
  • Rubies “Particle Acceleration” and “Peak of Efficiency”: no longer require an active Aspect of Assault. “Peak of Efficiency” now also refreshes while "Destructive Shots" is maintained.
  • Ruby "Capturing Current": no longer requires an active Aspect of Support.
  • Ruby “Gravity Whirl”: will now trigger with a 100% chance; the duration of the effects applied will depend on the rank of the ruby.
  • Ruby "Firing Line": now reduces the preparation time for volleys for both turrets by 10/20/30%. Fixed a bug when the rate of fire of turrets increased less than indicated in the description.
  • Ruby “Triatomic Acids”: the description has been adjusted, now the bonus to the acid damage of the engineer’s mechanisms is 10/15/20%.
  • Ruby “Improved Heat Exchange”: no longer increases the volley damage in the Aspect of Support.
  • Ruby “Chemical Agents”: the bonus to damage of “Frag Bomb” and “Acid Bomb” has been reduced to 25% (previously 50%).
  • Ruby "Forced Pressure": the bonus to volley damage has been reduced to 10/20/30% (previously 16/33/50%).
  • Ruby "Radiation Background": fixed a bug when the effect of the ruby could work when using volleys on a target with the effects of "Shrapnel" and "Acid Bomb" applied by another engineer.
  • Ruby "Circulation": the description has been adjusted.
  • Ruby "Cannonade": the description has been adjusted.
  • Changed the location of talents and rubies.
  • Changed icons of some talents and rubies.


Thursday, August 8th 2024, 11:34am

  • Talent "Phantom" now renamed to "Summon Phantoms"
    - The mechanics of the skill have been changed: now all phantoms are summoned simultaneously, in an amount corresponding to the number of levels of the “Voices in My Head” effect (2/4/6 depending on the rank of the skill).
    - Damage dealt by phantoms has been reduced by 30%.
  • Talent "Twin":
    - Now additionally applies the “Rejection of Reality” effect to the psionicist, which lasts for 6 sec. and reduces all incoming damage by 50%.
    - The "Invisibility" effect no longer reduces the incoming damage.
    - The skill now interacts with the Supremacy stat.
    - The ability to move to a twin is now available for the entire duration of its existence.
  • Talent "Choke":
    - Cooldown is reduced to 8 sec. (previously 10 sec.)
    - No longer increases the stress level"
  • Talent "Psychosis":
    - Cooldown is reduced to 8 sec. (previously 24 sec.)"
  • Talent "Horror": the visual effect of the ability now begins to play correctly on the target.
  • Talent "Aspect of Suppresion": now deleted
  • Talent "Vulnerability": now deleted
  • Talent "Wounds": now deleted
  • Talent "Agony": outgoing damage has been reduced by 10%
  • Ruby “Endless Torture”: now also affects the “Blade Storm” talent.
  • Ruby "Poltergeist":
    - No longer applies the effect of the same name.
    - Damage over time from "Agony" and "Blade Storm" now reduces the cooldown of "Vertex" by 1 / 1.5 sec. respectively.
    - Fixed a bug due to which the "Vertex" cooldown reduction effect did not work if there were two or more psionicists in the battle.
  • Ruby "Armada of Illusions": now reduces stress received by 2/4/6 points for each existing phantom
  • Ruby "Despotism": the "Choke" and "Psychosis" talents are now reduce stress by 3/6 points for every second of its use.
  • Ruby "Desperation": now reduces stress by 4/7/10 points for each exploded phantom.
  • Ruby "Solid Grasp":
    - No longer reduces the cooldown of "Choke".
    - The bonus to damage dealt by "Choke" has been reduced to 5/10/15% (previously 15\30\45%).
    - Now additionally allows you to use "Choke" while moving.
  • Ruby "Phlegm":
    - The amount of stress removed when using the “Psychic Attack” and “Astral Venom” talents increased up to 2/3 points. (previously 1/2 points).
    - The cooldown reduction for the skills “Summon of Phantoms” and “Spectral Assassin” has been increased to 1/2 sec. (previously 0.5/1 sec.) for each use of “Psychic Attack” or “Astral Venom”.
  • Ruby "Endless Torture":
    - Now always reduces the remaining cooldown of Agony by 3 sec.
    - Now also further reduces the remaining cooldown of "Blade Storm" by 3 sec.
    - The cooldown of these skills is also reduced by 1 sec. for each level of the "Pyrolysis" effect removed from the target.
  • Ruby "Mental Agony":
    - Now also affects "Blade Storm" skill
    - Now always reduces the cooldown of "Agony" and "Blade Storm" by 2 sec. when using "Psychic Attack" or "Astral Venom".
  • Ruby "Mental Breakdown":
    - Now requires an active Aspect of Support.
    - The "Slowdown" effect is now applied only when using the skills "Agony" and "Blade Storm".
    - The casting range of "Slowdown" has been increased to 8 yards (previously 4 yards).
    - "Slowdown" duration is increased to 1/2/3 sec. (previously 0.5/1/1.5 sec.).
  • Ruby "Psychokinesis": now requires an active Aspect of Support.
  • Ruby "Confusion":
    - Now requires an active Aspect of Support.
    - "Slowdown" duration reduced to 0.25/0.35/0.5 sec. (previously 0.5/1/1.5 sec.).
    - The ruby is now triggered by attacks from phantoms or the spectral assassin (previously "Psychic Attack" or "Astral Venom").
  • Ruby "Implosion":
    - Now requires an active Aspect of Support.
    - No longer increases "Mental Impulse" cooldown
    - The duration of the "Vulnerability" effect has been reduced to 1/2 sec. (previously 2/3 sec.).
  • Ruby "Pain Shock":
    - Now requires an active Aspect of Support.
    - No longer applies "Wounds" effect
    - The "Weakness" effect is now applied only when using the "Torture" skill for 1/1.35/1.7 sec. (previously 0.5/1/1.5).
  • Ruby "Sadism":
    - No longer has the ability to passively reduce stress outside of combat.
    - The cooldown time of the "Summon Phantoms" skill in battle is now reduced by 1/2/3 sec. (previously 2/3/6 sec.).
  • Ruby "Refined Torture":
    - Now requires an active Aspect of Support.
    - No longer reduces the cooldown of "Torture".
    - Now the use of the "Scorching" skill applies the "Scorching Gaze" effect that lasts 10 sec. , increasing the damage dealt by the next use of the "Torture" skill by 20%.
  • Ruby "Concussion":
    - Now only available in the Aspect of Assault.
    - No longer applies an effect that temporarily prevents the "Weakness" effect from triggering again.
  • Ruby "Three-Edged Blade":
    - The "Weakness" effect is now applied when using the "Torture" skill (previously "Spectral Assassin").
    - No longer applies an effect that temporarily prevents "Wounds" from triggering again.
    - Now additionally available in the Aspect of Assault.
    - In the Aspect of Assault, inflicts "Wounds" for 6 sec.
    - In the Aspect of Support, inflicts "Wounds" for 2 sec.
  • Ruby "Ambush":
    - No longer requires an active aspect.
    - No longer applies "Fear" effect"
  • Ruby "Raging Storm": now requires an active Aspect of Support.
  • Ruby "Carelessness": now requires an active Aspect of Support.
  • Ruby "Mass Hallucinations": no longer requires an active aspect.
  • Ruby “Mass Destruction”: the bonus to damage caused by “Blade Storm” and “Psychosis” has been increased to 12/24/36% (previously 10/20/30%).
  • Ruby "Pyrolysis":
    - Now the effect of the same name is applied only by the skills "Psychic Attack", "Astral Venom" and “Torture”.
    - Now the stress level will increase by 15 units. for each level of the "Pyrolysis" effect removed.
    - Fixed a bug when the effect might not be applied to the target if it was under the influence of barriers.
  • Ruby "Annihilation":
    - Duration of the "Agony" effect has been reduced to 8 sec. (previously 10 sec.).
    - The percentage of damage dealt to additional targets has been increased to 50%.
  • Ruby “Phantom Pain”: bonus to damage of “Agony” has been reduced to 20/30/40% (previously 20/40/60%).
  • Ruby "Deformation": damage bonus reduced to 10/20% (previously 15/30%).
  • Ruby "Deadly Shadow": the "Vulnerability" effect is now applied no more than once every 30 sec.

  • Talent "Lash of the Doomed": fixed a bug when the damage displayed in the skill description depended on the quality of the equipped Dragon Tears.
  • Talent “Blood Aegis”: the effect of the ability no longer loses its levels when receiving damage from paladin barriers.

  • Talent "Balance": fixed a bug when the damage displayed in the skill description depended on the quality of the equipped Dragon Tears.
  • Talent "Tornado": can no longer be used on an already dead target.
  • Ruby “Dancing Flashes”: fixed a bug when the ruby allowed additional damage to be dealt even without the corresponding effect on the target.


Thursday, August 8th 2024, 11:34am


  • Due to the installation of update 15.0, the accrual of realgar on Thursday (08.08.2024) will be disabled, and the next receipt of realgar will depend on the results of Dominion battles on Sunday and Wednesday. Guild ratings and associated currencies will be reset at the time of installation of the update.
  • Guild season is over.
    - Nobility gained by guilds has been reset.
    - Rewards have been sent to guilds in the TOP-10 by the amount of Nobility gained.
  • Rubies have been reset. Tabards received by the guild in the previous season will be available until 00:00 26.08.2024.

Battles and adventures

  • Now in distortions, battles and on the astral islands of the current layer, characters will receive a special effect that increases the stats of their equipment to the level of rank 1 items if it is not good enough.
  • The amount of gold received on the astral islands, in distortions, in heroic adventures, and in raid adventures (Nihaz Citadel and Observatory) has been increased.

Astral Islands
  • The following game entities have been removed from characters:
    - Astral Keys
    • The ability to obtain new Astral Keys will become available after reaching level 110. Characters will receive 42 starting keys, as well as 14 keys for each of the days that have passed since the update was installed, while the maximum number of Astral Keys that a character can have has been increased to 1000.

    • The cost of a Small Symbol of Gold purchased from Soldiers of Fortune's Quartermaster is now 35 Battleground Emblems (previously 20).
    • Paladin taking damage from barriers no longer interrupt banner capture progress.

    Ranked Combats
    • The ranked season has ended, rewards have been sent out.
    • The following in-game entities have been removed from characters:
      - Combat Emblems: compensated with gold
      - Draconic Blessing"
    • The cost of a Small Symbol of Gold purchased from Experienced Combat Master is now 15 Combat Emblems (previously 100).

    Heroic Adventures
    • The regular Heroic Adventure season has ended. Rewards for the most outstanding achievements in conquering Heroic Adventures have been sent out.
    • The Astral Heroic Adventure season has ended. Rewards for the most outstanding achievements in conquering Astral Heroic Adventures have been sent out.
    • The following game entities found on characters have been removed:
      - Hero's Insignia
      - Hero's Compasses
      - Aresia's Blood Vessels
      - Infinite Elixirs of Astral Vision
      - Infinite Tonics of Magic Armor"
    • The new Heroic Adventures rating season will begin with the opening of the Azure Astral Layer.

    Trial of Blood
    • Due to the installation of the update, visiting the rating Trial of Blood will be unavailable until 11.08.2024 inclusive.
    • Now the number of Signs of Victory received will be 50% of the rating gained.
    • Fixed an error in calculating bonuses to received Signs, due to which the received reward was significantly higher than intended

    Nihaz's Citadel
    • Access to the Citadel will be open after the opening of the Azure Astral Layer.

    • Access to the Observatory will be open after the opening of the Azure Astral Layer.
    • (easy difficulty) Defeating enemies no longer awards Pure Astralium Blanks.
    • (easy difficulty) Increased the number of Loot Boxes you can receive:
      - Defeating regular mighty enemies: up to 3
      - Defeating the final mighty enemy: up to 4
    • (normal difficulty) Now, defeating a regular mighty enemy will award each character in your party with a Pure Astralium Blank.


    • The hull level of all ships has been increased to 15.
    • The following game entities found on characters have been removed:
      - Particles of Anomalous Matter: converted into decaying
      - Emanations of the Mysterious Astral: converted into Emanations of the Unexplored Astral
      - Astral Nuggets: compensated with gold
      - Transformation Crystals (items): compensated with gold
      - Transformation Crystals (valuables): converted into transformative crystals relevant at the beginning of the season (valuables)
      - Ship Hull Parts: compensated with gold"
    • Increased the chances of receiving equipment of uncommon and rare quality when defeating astral opponents.
    • Increased the chances of receiving equipment from the Adventurer's Chest received for Astral Academy quests, as well as the probability of receiving rare equipment.
    • Increased the probability of receiving equipment of rare quality for defeating powerful opponents in Astral Heroic Adventures.

    (!) These changes are aimed at making it more convenient to obtain equipment directly in astral activities. Also, the prices for equipment purchased for astral nuggets were additionally reduced, but this source of equipment should still not be considered the main one.


    • The exchange of regular crystals for premium ones now again occurs at a rate of 1 to 1.
      - When replenishing an account, 20% of the payment amount, as before (before the rate change in update, will be written off to pay off the debt on an active loan (if any).
      - The price of a number of items in the Boutique for premium crystals has been brought into line with regular ones to reflect this change.


    • Achievements earned by characters for leveling up professions will now be awarded as ranks of a single achievement. Each rank gives the character 30 achievement points. For all professions, achievement ranks have been added for leveling up to level 85.
    • Alchemy:
      - The following game entities held by characters have been removed:
      - "The Highest Art of Alchemy" quest and the items "Extractor", "Flasks with Iridescence Suspension".
      - Snow Flower can now be found on Isa.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Lazy_Bird" (Aug 8th 2024, 3:59pm)


Thursday, August 8th 2024, 11:35am

Important: The description below does not guarantee the completeness of the changes and fixes in the upcoming updates. Some special names and item names may differ from the in-game translation.


  • Aspect of Support now only increases the duration of support effects.
    - The descriptions of support effects and the aspect itself have been supplemented with information about their bonuses.

  • Ruby "Conflagration": "Cataclysm" now also applies the "Conflagration" effect to targets.

  • Incarnation ability "Glint": improved pathfinding algorithm when selecting a movement point.

  • Talent "Vertex": the range of the ability has been increased to 40 yards (previously 30 yards).
    - Talent "Summon Phantoms": summoned phantoms will now disappear when the mystic moves more than 85 yards away from them.
    - Talent "Decomposition": now you can apply the ability to phantoms from any distance.
    - Ruby "Power over Matter": fixed a bug due to which the milestone increased the effect of "Breakdown".

  • Ruby "Dancing Flashes": now correctly consumes effect levels with the skill "Emerald Glow".


Thursday, August 8th 2024, 11:36am

Important: The description below does not guarantee the completeness of the changes and fixes in the upcoming updates. Some special names and item names may differ from the in-game translation.


Equipment and artifacts
  • Adjusted the acquisition of Draconic Aspect items:
    -440 level items:
    -- Can be purchased for 75 Realgar.
    -- Can be purchased for 1750 Combat Emblems (price reduced).
    -- Can be obtained in Nihaz Citadel: 2 items from each normal mighty enemy and 6 items from the final mighty enemy (quantity increased).
    --- Can be obtained in the Observatory (hard difficulty): 2 items from the final mighty enemy.
    -Upgrade Insignia up to level 450:
    -- Can be obtained in Nihaz's Citadel: 1 insignia for each raid member from each mighty enemy (increased quantity).
    -- Can be obtained in the battle with the Stronghold Keeper: 3 insignia from each difficulty (unchanged).
    --- Can be obtained in the Observatory (hard difficulty): 1 insignia for each raid member from the final mighty enemy.
    -Level 420 Items:
    -- Obtainable from Observatory (Normal Difficulty): 2 items from each regular Mighty Enemy and 8 items from the final Mighty Enemy (increased quantity).
    -- Purchaseable for 170 Hirkalla's Signet (reduced price).
    -- Purchaseable for 730 Battleground Emblem (reduced price).
    -- Purchaseable for 2150 Ecu (reduced price).
    -Upgrade Insignias to Level 430:
    -- Obtainable from Observatory (Normal Difficulty): 1 Insignia for each party member from each mighty enemy (increased quantity).
    -- Purchaseable for 65 Hirkalla's Signet (item not packaged).
    -- Purchaseable for 280 Battleground Emblem (item not packaged).
  • "Draconic Relics" quest: the number of Battleground Emblems required to complete the "Accumulate Battleground Emblems" subquest and those given as a reward for completing the quest has been reduced.

Game client and Interface
  • Improvements aimed at increasing the stability of the game client.


  • Fixed a bug that could caused rubies to incorrectly increase the range of abilities.


Thursday, August 8th 2024, 11:37am

Important: The description below does not guarantee the completeness of the changes and fixes in the upcoming updates. Some special names and item names may differ from the in-game translation.


  • Quest "Not a Day Without Reward":
    - Increased rewards for completing the "Not a Day Without Reward" quests, which can be activated daily from the Relic Master in the Capital or Astral Academy.
    - Adjusted the description of the "Not a Day Without Reward" quest system at the Relic Master, as well as the descriptions of some quests.
  • Fixed a bug where it was impossible to manually remove the effects of certain elixirs from characters.


Al-Rihat Ruins
  • Reduced damage dealt by some skills of strong opponents.


Guild Stronghold
  • Beast Keeper. Ability "Resurrection":
    - Fixed a bug due to which healing seals restored much more health to the Keeper than they should have.
  • Demon Keeper. Ability "Life Steal":
    - Fixed a bug due to which Demonic Runes restored much more health to the Keeper than they should have when damaging enemies. Also, Demonic Runes will now only work on living enemies.


Thursday, August 8th 2024, 11:38am

Important: The description below does not guarantee the completeness of the changes and fixes in the upcoming updates. Some special names and item names may differ from the in-game translation.


  • [Smugglers Paradise] A Deposit Box with 180 slots can now be purchased from bankers in the capitals for 114 Expansion tokens.
  • [Smugglers Paradise] The cost of a Deposit Box with 144 slots from bankers has been reduced to 34 Expansion tokens (previously 39).
  • [Smugglers Paradise] Fixed an issue that prevented the Adventurer's Bag (42 slots) obtained in the Dead City from being exchanged for Expansion tokens.
  • Improved descriptions of toys in the Wardrobe.


  • Several quests can now be instantly completed using marks of Fate.
  • The level required for the quests "Sunrise," "News of Hope," and "Hall of Fates" has been lowered to 103.

Wandering Isle
  • Fixed a bug that, in some cases, prevented the appearance of parts for repairing catapults in the Swampy Pass.


  • Talent "Self-Sacrifice":
    - Now redirects 30% of all damage received by the target to the priest for 4 seconds.
    - The cooldown time is now 180/150/120 seconds.
  • Talent "Touch of Light":
    - Healing increased by ~150%.
    - Cooldown time is now 20 seconds at all ranks.
    - Cost increased to 2 units of Fanaticism.
    - Fixed an issue where using the ability did not trigger the priest's Supremacy.
  • Talent "Pleading":
    - The number of ability ranks increased to 3.
    - Absorption and healing now amount to 5/10/15%, and the cooldown time is 60/45/30 seconds.
    - Requires an active Healing or Support Aspect to use.
  • Talent "Guarding Word':
    - The number of ability ranks increased to 3.
    - Absorption and damage now amount to 5/10/15%, and the cooldown time is 120/90/60 seconds.
  • Talent "Talisman": the amount of absorbed damage reduced to 30/40/50%.
  • Talent "Avenging Strike":
    - Damage dealt reduced by ~20%.
    - Fixed an issue where using the ability did not trigger the priest's Supremacy.
  • Talent "Guiding Light":
    - Description adjusted.
    - Healing amount no longer increases additionally when the ability is used on the priest in the Healing Aspect.
  • Talent "Frenzy": effect duration increased to 20 seconds.
  • Talent "Sacred Word": the amount of absorbed damage reduced by 10%.
  • New ruby "Self-Abnegation": increases the duration of "Self-Sacrifice" by 1/2/3 seconds.
  • New ruby "Brilliant Faith" (Aspects of Healing and Support ): increases the damage absorption of "Talisman", "Pleading", and "Guarding Word", as well as the healing of "Pleading" and the damage of "Guarding Word" by 25/50/75/100%.
  • New ruby "Strength of Spirit": reduces incoming damage by 2/3/4%. The effectiveness of the milestone increases to 4/6/8%, if the priest is under the damage absorption effect from "Sacred Word", "Talisman", "Pleading", or "Guarding Word".
  • New ruby "Healing Light": increases "Halo" healing by 10/20/30%.
  • New ruby "Dark Touch" (Aspect of Healing): increases "Touch of Light" healing by 10/20/30%. The healing boost doubles if the targets are within the "Halo" effect area.
  • New ruby "Grace Reserve" (Aspect of Healing): allows "Touch of Light" to additionally apply the "Angelic Grace" effect on targets (requires the "Angelic Grace" ability to be learned, the effect's strength corresponds to the learned ability rank).
  • New ruby "Rejection of Weapons": increases all damage dealt by 3/6% but reduces melee attack damage by 75%.
  • New ruby "Exaltation": allows "Holy Blast" and "Celestial Judgement" under the effect of "Frenzy" to deal 25% more damage and generate an additional 1 unit of Faith, but reduces the damage of these abilities without "Frenzy" by 75%.
  • New ruby "Scorching Anger": allows "Holy Rage" to deal 25/50% of its damage to enemies within 8 meters of the main target.
  • Ruby "Thunderer":
    - The number of ranks increased to 4.
    - Bonus to damage dealt is now 6/12/18/24%.
  • Ruby "Scorching Light":
    - The number of ranks increased to 4.
    - Bonus to Holy damage dealt is 7/14/21/28%.
  • Ruby "Punishing Palm":
    - The number of ranks increased to 4.
    - Now increases the damage of "Verdict" and "Divine Sentence" by 20/40/60/80%, and "Holy Rage" by 10/20/30/40%.
    - Changing the damage type to Holy and increasing the range now applies to all melee abilities ("Verdict", "Divine Sentence", "Holy Rage", and "Avenging Strike").
  • Ruby "Instant Justice":
    - The number of ranks increased to 3.
    - Now reduces the cooldown of "Holy Rage" by 0.5/1/1.5 seconds and grants 2 points of Faith at all ranks.
  • Ruby "Thunder Gleam":
    - The number of ranks increased to 3.
    - No longer requires an active Aspect of Assault.
    - Now increases "Heavenly Smite" damage by 15/20/25%.
  • Ruby "Holiness": the reduction in cooldown for "Fervid Prayer" no longer triggers when using "Particle of Light", and the corresponding value in the description has been adjusted.
  • Changed the location of talents and rubies.
  • Changed icons of some talents and rubies.

  • Racial ability "Firecracker": fixed an issue that prevented the ability from working correctly on non-player character targets.

    • Talent "Entropy": the cooldown is no longer dependent on the quality of equipped Dragon Tears.
    • Talent "Eye of the Void": the cooldown increased to 90/70/50 sec. (previously 60/45/30 sec.).
    • Talent "Twin": no longer increases the stress level when used.
    • Talent "Ectoplasmatic Form": no longer increases the stress level when used.
    • Talent "Phantom Summon": phantoms can no longer be targeted.
    • Ruby "Pyrolysis": fixed a bug that allowed the effect of the same name to be removed from the target by someone other than the psionicist who applied it.
    • Ruby "Deadly Shadow": the effect limiting the ruby's reactivation now applies to the psionicist.

      • Ruby "Dancing Flashes": fixed an issue that allowed additional damage in the Aspect of Support even if the eponymous effect was not present on the target.

      Battles and adventures

      Nihaz Citadel
      • [Smugglers Paradise] Now, there is a chance to find a Cosmic Bag (84 slots) as loot from defeating powerful enemies. The chance of obtaining the bag from the last powerful enemy is higher than from regular ones.

      • [Smugglers Paradise] The chance of obtaining a Bottomless Bag (78 slots) on high difficulty has been increased. The number of Expansion tokens received when exchanging this bag with bankers has been reduced to 15 (previously 20).


      • Fixed an issue that caused guild emblems to display incorrectly.


      Free Traders Lottery
      • The following rewards have been added to the list:
        - Mystic Armor "Dragon Cover"
        - Mystic Armor "Jinn"
        - Assault Armor "Reaper"
        - Mystic Armor "Ash"
        - Mystic Armor "Div"
        - Assault Armor "Angelion"
        - Mystic Armor "Valravn"
      • The chance to win super-prizes is now always active.
      • Special rewards may now appear as super-prizes after the value meter reaches 100 units or more (these items are not bound to the character if obtained as a super-prize):
        - Legendary Scroll of Sacrament
        - Voice of the Carnifex
        - Carnifex Code
        - Confession of the Carnifex
        - Emblem of the Insane Wizard
        - Lost Vows of Conclave
        - Edict of Conclave
        - Apocrypha of Perfection
        - Epigraph to the Study of Perfection
        - Modernized Wraith Reactor
        - Modernized Rumble Reactor
        - Modernized Spinner Reactor
        - Modernized Manabike Reactor
        - Modernized Titan Reactor
        - Modernized Overlord's Aegis Reactor
        - Modernized Overlord's Throne Reactor
        - Modernized Dreadnought Reactor
        - Fifth Page from the Great Mage's Diary
        - Holy Cleansing
        - Condensed Water of Death
        - Master Jeweler Manuscript"
      • A number of old cosmetic rewards (costumes and pets) have been removed.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Lazy_Bird" (Aug 8th 2024, 3:29pm)


Thursday, August 8th 2024, 11:38am

Important: The description below does not guarantee the completeness of the changes and fixes in the upcoming updates. Some special names and item names may differ from the in-game translation.


  • Cauldron with Magic Essence now applies relevant potion effects.
  • Fixed a bug that led to the absence of the “Eden Apple” toy in the Wardrobe.


  • Talent 'Entropy':
    - Casting time at rank 3 has been increased to 3 seconds (previously 2 seconds).
    - Damage dealt has been reduced by ~10%.
  • Talent 'Eye of the Void': cooldown has been reduced to 70/60/50 seconds (previously 90/70/50 seconds).

Battles and adventures

Trial of Blood
  • Fixed an issue where the Signs of Victory for earned ratings did not account for the 'Heralds of Glory' order bonus in some cases.


Thursday, August 8th 2024, 11:39am


  • Ruby "Revelation": fixed a bug due to which a number of related rubies that provide additional effects began to work only when the ruby was re-learned or Talent Grids were switched.


Thursday, August 8th 2024, 11:40am

Important: The description below does not guarantee the completeness of the changes and fixes in the upcoming updates. Some special names and item names may differ from the in-game translation.


  • [Smugglers Paradise] The health level of Strix mounts no longer decreases as the character level increases.
  • [F2P] Now Strix mounts soar over the water just like on subscription servers.
  • Manabike. Skill "Fire Tail":
    - Now the duration of the "Scorching Ground" effect is 4 sec. and can be increased to 6 sec. depending on the level of the relevant mechanism.
    - "Scorching Ground"' speed reduction effect will decrease over 8 sec. after entering its area of ​​effect, after which the character will receive the “Through Fire and Dust” effect, giving immunity to repeated slowing for 60 sec.
  • Fixed a bug that led to the incorrect display of Aoidos hairstyles with the color scheme of the "Seraphion" assault shell.


  • Talent "Temptation": now the cooldown time interacts correctly with the mystic's talent "Loop of Time".


  • In the description of the “Strong Sheathing” and “Ship Hull Parts” items, information has been added that upgrading the ship takes 10 days, during which the ship will be unavailable.


Thursday, August 8th 2024, 11:40am

Important: The description below does not guarantee the completeness of the changes and fixes in the upcoming updates. Some special names and item names may differ from the in-game translation.


  • Fixed the incorrect display of some models of Spectral Ogres and Phantom Ogres

  • Task: "Revelation of Cassandra": fixed a bug that led to the absense of "Meet with Cassandra near the Well of Souls" quest


Lottery Service
  • Increased the speed of the standard prize selection animation.


Thursday, August 8th 2024, 11:40am

Important: The description below does not guarantee the completeness of the changes and fixes in the upcoming updates. Some special names and item names may differ from the in-game translation.


  • "Shooter" and "Combatant" stances no longer require active aspects and are not disabled when aspects are deactivated. Also, stances can now be activated in combat if none of the stances are active.
  • "Shooter" stance: ranged attack damage bonus increased to 6/12/18%.
  • Talent "Combatant" stance: now has 3 ranks, the maximum number of levels of the "Attack Series" effect is now 2/3/4.
  • Talent "Crippling Shot": damage dealt increased by ~50%.
  • Talents "Cascade" and "Avalanche": damage dealt decreased by ~17%.
  • Talent "Assassination Attempt": no longer instantly teleports Scout to the target if the distance is less than 8 yards.
  • New ruby "Shot in the Hand":
    - Reduces the cooldown of "Crippling Shot" by 15/30/45% and allows it to apply the "Weakness" effect to the target for 7.73/6.36/5 sec. (The duration of "Weakness" is proportional to the cooldown of the ability).
    - In the "Skirmisher" stance, the damage of "Crippling Shot" is increased by 10/20/30%, and in the "Combatant" stance - by 33/66/100%.
  • New ruby "Tactical Proficiency": increases the proficiency stat by 30/60/90.
  • New ruby " Impregnability" (Aspect of Assault): Reduces all damage taken while under the effect of "Swingout" by 10%.
  • New ruby "Whirlwind of Arrows":
    - Increases the damage of "Rain of Arrows" by 2/4/6% and reduces its cooldown by 10/20/30%.
    - When the Aspect of Assault is active, the skill deals fire damage.
    - In the "Combatant" stance, maintaining the skill refreshes the duration of "Attack Series" every second.
  • New ruby "Applied Explosives" (Aspect of Assault) (Stance "Combatant"):
    - Increases the damage dealt by "Explosive Shot" by 25/50% and allows it to additionally restore 1/2 units of equipment even when used with active enchantments.
    - If the ability "Riddance" is learned, the skill also applies one level of the effect of the same name to the scout.
  • New ruby "Fan of Knives" (Aspect of Assault) (Stance "Combatant"):
    - Reduces the cooldown of "Steel Rose" by 25% and allows it to deal poison damage.
    - When used under a poison charms, the skill will apply 1/2/3 more levels of the effect "Weak Poison".
  • New ruby "Heavy Fire": Allows "Barrage" and "Volley" to deal 11/22/33% of their damage to enemies within 8 meters of the primary target.
  • Ruby "Alchemical Reaction":
    - Old effect of the talent removed. Now increases the damage dealt by the "Explosive Arrow" ability to additional targets by 60/80/100% of the damage to the primary target.
    - When in the Shooter stance, if the primary target is poisoned with "Weak Poison" or "Deadly Poison" from the scout, the ability, when used with poison charms, will apply 2/3/4 levels of the "Weak Poison" effect to all affected enemies.
  • Ruby "Explosive Arrowhead":
    - The effect allowing "Bombardment" and "Volley" to damage additional targets has been removed. Now the talent allows the fire charm effects from the skills "Bombardment", "Volley," "Precise Shot," and "Aimed Shot" to damage all enemies within an 8-yard radius of the primary target.
    - Periodic damage effects from "Precise Shot" and "Aimed Shot" under fire charms and from the "Explosive Shot" skill under poison charms now deal fire and poison damage respectively, lasting for 2/3/4 seconds, with damage depending on the studied rank of the corresponding charms.
  • Ruby "Sudden Strike" and "Blade Hurricane": Now have 2 ranks, increasing the damage of the respective skills by 10/20% and restoring 1/2 equipment units when used.
  • Ruby "Veteran": Now has 3 ranks, increases maximum health by 40/60/80%, and reduces damage taken by 15/22.5/30%.
  • Ruby "An Eye for an Eye": Now has 3 ranks. The ruby effect also triggers when dealing damage with the "Rain of Arrows" ability.
  • Ruby "Firm Hand": Damage bonus increased to 14%. Now requires the "Shooter" stance to activate the effect but does not prevent the use of the "Combatant" stance.
  • Ruby "Among the Shadows":
    - Now when using "Assassination Attempt" under the influence of charms, the type of damage dealt by the ability and the periodic damage effect of "Among the Shadows" changes accordingly.
    - The damage dealt by the periodic effect has been increased by ~30%.
  • Ruby "Aspect of Killer": Damage bonus reduced to 2/4/6%.
  • Ruby "Hidden Blades": Damage bonus increased to 5/10%.
  • Ruby "Burning Arrows":
    - No longer affects the "Rain of Arrows" ability (as it is not a long-range attack ability).
    - Fixed a bug when the talent did not increase the damage of the "Deadly Shot" ability.
  • Ruby "Tempering": Now requires the active Aspect of Defense and no longer activates when using "Explosive Shot".
  • Ruby"Cross Flower": No longer increases the damage of Steel Rose in the Defense Aspect.
  • Ruby "Lion Heart": Now has 3 ranks and increases Willpower by 50/100/150.
  • Ruby "Vulture's Feast": Now increases Brutality by 30/60/90.
  • Ruby "Fiery Color": now deleted
  • Ruby "Open Wound": now deleted.
  • Changed the location of talents and rubies.
  • Changed icons of some talents and rubies.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Lazy_Bird" (Aug 8th 2024, 3:30pm)


Thursday, October 24th 2024, 9:44am

Battles and adventures

Astral Islands
  • Now characters from different factions can join a group that was automatically assembled for visiting astral islands.

  • (easy difficulty) Now characters from different factions can join a raid that was automatically assembled for visiting the adventure.

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