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Sunday, December 1st 2024, 11:27am

Regarding Battle Pass Campaign %Discount

Hallo Allods Online Family! :D

I was just wondering IF there is gonna be another sale before this current battle campaign comes to an end.
Is there anyone who can Tell me ?

PS: I am asking for P2P (Smugglers Paradise).


Sunday, December 1st 2024, 2:24pm

Hello TwinyGG!

Usually there are always two discounts for the Battle Campaign. :thumbsup:
The second one usually comes very close to the end. So it should be available soon! (No promise tho!)

Greetings! :D
Allods Online Discord


Sunday, December 1st 2024, 3:53pm

Okai! Thank you for the Fast reply! Legendary. So then its just Fingers crossed and waiting... haha

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