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New Mini-Season (from Epic"purple" > legendary"orange")
Hallo all!
Like the Title indicates already, I was wondering when the the new miniseason will start? Ive heared many different opinions ,but its no first hand information so I figured I will just ask on here. Maybe somebody can tell more Information on the matter!
Yours bOnBoNiCa
Hello there bOnBoNiCa!
The layers are around 10 weeks usually. So Leggy sector should open around the beginning of January! But in general there aren´t any fix dates for it and it will be announced usually 1/2 days before patch!
Hope that helped! Greetings
Okai, thank you for the Quick reply :-D!
So we just wait and relax until an annoucement is made.
Thank you
Should have been Yday but I guess they forgot to enable it in game
I am PioPico
I hope it comes this week. HYYYYPE
Hello there bOnBoNiCa!
The layers are around 10 weeks usually. So Leggy sector should open around the beginning of January! But in general there aren´t any fix dates for it and it will be announced usually 1/2 days before patch!
Hope that helped! Greetings
It's already week 11, when is the legendary layer?
Hey Manyachella!
We don´t get those Infos you´ll have to follow the news Channel in Discord for news.
I hope they have not forgotten about the poor EU players

hahaha :-D
They haven’t don’t worry
But with the holidays (in Russia they are later than for us) maybe one of the reasons it got delayed