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Saturday, December 28th 2024, 5:57am

New Mini-Season (from Epic"purple" > legendary"orange")

Hallo all! :D

Like the Title indicates already, I was wondering when the the new miniseason will start? Ive heared many different opinions ,but its no first hand information so I figured I will just ask on here. Maybe somebody can tell more Information on the matter! ?(

Yours bOnBoNiCa


Saturday, December 28th 2024, 1:09pm

Hello there bOnBoNiCa!

The layers are around 10 weeks usually. So Leggy sector should open around the beginning of January! But in general there aren´t any fix dates for it and it will be announced usually 1/2 days before patch!

Hope that helped! Greetings :thumbsup:
Allods Online Discord


Saturday, December 28th 2024, 1:23pm

Okai, thank you for the Quick reply :-D!
So we just wait and relax until an annoucement is made.

Thank you :D


Friday, January 3rd 2025, 2:38am



Posts: 522

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Should have been Yday but I guess they forgot to enable it in game :D
I am PioPico


Friday, January 3rd 2025, 4:07pm

I hope it comes this week. HYYYYPE


Wednesday, January 8th 2025, 6:07pm

Hello there bOnBoNiCa!

The layers are around 10 weeks usually. So Leggy sector should open around the beginning of January! But in general there aren´t any fix dates for it and it will be announced usually 1/2 days before patch!

Hope that helped! Greetings :thumbsup:
It's already week 11, when is the legendary layer?


Thursday, January 9th 2025, 12:20am

Hey Manyachella!

We don´t get those Infos you´ll have to follow the news Channel in Discord for news. :S

Allods Online Discord


Thursday, January 9th 2025, 12:31am

I hope they have not forgotten about the poor EU players :(.

hahaha :-D


Thursday, January 9th 2025, 10:37am

They haven’t don’t worry :D
But with the holidays (in Russia they are later than for us) maybe one of the reasons it got delayed ;(
Allods Online Discord

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