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Friday, March 28th 2014, 3:56pm

Healer 6 builds by Noisia

Hello guys, since healer was remaked i got some request from people asking for help with builds, i wasn't able to say much so far or even say because i been trying different builds and practicing a little bit with every playstyle. So i've decided to make 6 different builds and post them here there's 2 builds for each roll that we got atm and it's 1 pvp and the other pve build obviously.

basic pve fh build

basic pvp fh build

basic pve ch build

basic pvp ch build

basic pve mh build (i would like to poit out that i understand now why Ywonne build on the other post is so squishy, because there's ins't enough rubies for it, but in later sectors if you want to go as mh i guess this build will need to be adjusted with a bit more defense.

basic pvp mh build

I hope any of this 6 builds helps you. Like i said they're basic builds so on the future i might change them to be more optiomal but this is my first impression i got from them. Share your opinions on comment bellow. :)


Friday, March 28th 2014, 9:40pm

My two cents on the basic MH-PVE-build:

The three rubies for Angelic Grace in the Holy Blast-grate are useless, as you've skilled none of the skills it actually is improving.
And, personally, I'm using Cleansing Flame way too seldom to invest in the four Blaze of Faith-rubies. I would recommend leaving them out if ppl just use it for triggering mobs. ;) The same goes for Exorcism.


Friday, March 28th 2014, 9:54pm



Posts: 193

Location: Sarnaut

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Actually Angelic Grace reduces the cooldown of ALL skills now, not just those listed :) I have mentioned previously, Zurion and myself are currently translating the correct rubies from the Russian calculator. The talent calculator will be available soon :) Hopefully it will save some of this confusion until the rubies in game are translated correctly.

As for Cleansing Flame, you should keep it on everything you fight. Blaze of Faith increases your next holy attack by 40% which is a huge increase for Particle/Chain of Light, and what's more, it comes in stacks of 3 now so there's plenty of them.


Friday, March 28th 2014, 10:01pm



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Blaze of Faith for the next 3 holy attacks increases holy dmg by 15% =x


Friday, March 28th 2014, 10:05pm



Posts: 193

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Oops >< That's what I get for checking it by the English calc to get the right name. Yes it's an increase of 15%. My bad ><


Friday, March 28th 2014, 10:59pm

i only dont have blaze of faith rubies in my pvp mh build because of my playstyle as mh i like to survive a bit longer and for that i need heals also because as mh i have less heals than with the others.


Sunday, March 30th 2014, 1:04pm

Nice build, mine are almost the same.


Friday, April 18th 2014, 12:03pm



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Enlightenment rubies increase your determination (if I correctly noticed)
so you rather not need them in pve builds


Saturday, April 19th 2014, 4:40am

Enlightenment rubies increase your determination (if I correctly noticed)
so you rather not need them in pve builds

There's always some kind of aoe damage either in astral or raids. So always take them but nice you noticed it because i totally forgot about it :p


Monday, April 21st 2014, 1:43pm



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What's right weapon for CH? Pvp/Pve
I started leveling my reinc so i wanna know if i should contionue with 2h :D


Monday, April 21st 2014, 3:50pm

What's right weapon for CH? Pvp/Pve
I started leveling my reinc so i wanna know if i should contionue with 2h :D

i would say 1handed and shield its safer, but if you have mana problems 2h is the choise


Monday, April 21st 2014, 5:35pm



Posts: 165

Location: Serbia

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What's right weapon for CH? Pvp/Pve
I started leveling my reinc so i wanna know if i should contionue with 2h :D

i would say 1handed and shield its safer, but if you have mana problems 2h is the choise

ok thx...guess i'm gonna use 1h and shield when i pvp (asee teph mostly)

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