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This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "ALLODS-ONLINE-PLAYER" (May 6th 2014, 6:48pm)
I'm sorry to come here but i have few questions for you (sorry also for writing them in english but that's the best i can do) , also i'm a newbie to this game so sorry if i say anything wrong .
I looked at your guides and i think they are really good but i don't understand 2 things :
1) What is the benefit of maxing the twin because when you look the description in game nothing change when you max it .
2) You are the only one guide proposing to max mental link . Why ? I feel like 1.5s from rubies could save you a large amount of talent point . But it seems you also take this talent for PVE (pyro) so are those 0.5s that much important? Wouldn't it be better to spend those points elsewhere ? Does it improve the damage from erase memory ?