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Friday, June 27th 2014, 1:57am

help for healer reinc

hi all i have just made reinc healer(need healer for my summy)
and am kinda lost in the class just need help in few things ^_^
what talents should i level first
what type of builds is fastest at leveling and can stay with it at end game really dont want waste 15k on WOD
i really want a Caster healer since i heared its buffed atm but i dont know what talents to get at begin
Jenowin (60 demonoligst f2p server)
Niwnonej(28 psyconist) its reinc :P


Friday, June 27th 2014, 2:19am

casterheal and meleeheal are manaintense
you will have to reg mana all few mobs
this build will save mana due to the damage coming from dots

i would rather make a healing healer which is not a complete fullheal and has maxed out the attacks cleansing flame and chain of light... then always pull 2 to 4 mobs simultanously with cleansing flame and kill them with chain of light (one you have fanaticism-stacks)
the biggest advantage is with that you wont be dependent on anyone and can solo everything with ease

if you lose HP heal yourself with HOT (perpetual healing); holy healing is for the big HP losses or for fast healing
"divine prayer" is the emergency-heal

do not skill the "basic heal", its not worth (devoted plea)

this is what i used for leveling.... its a viable healer for many endgame-activities too, but again, its NOT a fullheal spec

here is a BASIC setup which is the core for the build!3!113..3.…/A!cembvc/SKVKX

maybe you want to take the circle of healing in 1st grid too for groupheal but if you play solo its almost useless

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "ALLODS-ONLINE-PLAYER" (Jun 27th 2014, 2:34am)


Friday, June 27th 2014, 2:41am

well really thanks for fast repond
hard to judge build since i never played any class other than summoner at all
but just a question about HOLYBLAST why didnt take r2 with its upgrade i really love it precasted then i use particle of light they do good burst(am lvl 5 so they only skills i got atm)
and i see the build really lack of control effects
feeling great to try something other than summoner XD
Jenowin (60 demonoligst f2p server)
Niwnonej(28 psyconist) its reinc :P


Friday, June 27th 2014, 2:51am

this is only corebuild

you can give it more heals or more cc or more normal attacks as you wish

i kept it as simple as possible so you have space to form it like you wish; you will have more talentpoints and rubies than i used here in the corebuild

however if you are higher level you wont like standing still for holy blast so at least for me holy blast is a waste, because to cast it while running you would need frenzy skill but it would have long cd at R1 and so you wont like a hybrid build this way i think

experiment a bit until you are level 16 you can respec for free :)

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