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Thursday, July 17th 2014, 11:43am

  • "The Allods Project" started this thread

Posts: 186

Location: forest moon of endor

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allods uppdates too much

Sometimes it feels like allods have more maintence than online servers. Why are they making the updates so close to eachothers when they can save up alot of bugs then make a bigger update later, instead of keeping the servers down all the time.

most of the updated are just a small hotfix, but it doesnt matter how small the update is because the servers stil must be closed down in 4 hours during the update. i mean a small bugfix takes as much time as the colour of war update.

if they could install the update on a running sever so all you had to do was just to close the game and update and then start the game againm it wouldnt matterm but since it always must be closed down in 4 hours it feels like a bugfix is not that neacesasy to fix.

I dont know what taking so long time to update, if its the allods team or if it is of slow servers.

But they should really save the bugfixes to make a larger update instead of having 4h maintence all the time. Or in some way reduce the maintence time.


Thursday, July 17th 2014, 11:46am



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The real reason they make a 4 hour update very Thursday is to give the no-lifers a chance to shower and buy groceries. Without it half of their playerbase would die. Of hunger.


Thursday, July 17th 2014, 11:54am

  • "The Allods Project" started this thread

Posts: 186

Location: forest moon of endor

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sooo, you are teling me that people who drive cars, can also be able to fly a plane?


Thursday, July 17th 2014, 12:00pm



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Weekly maintenance is normal for any online game, some of them even last 6 hours and that is without installing an update.


Thursday, July 17th 2014, 12:04pm

The weekly Maintenance is not just for updates etc..
Its so the servers can be rebooted, updated (the server parts, not the game!), and the database can be cleared up and optimised (clearing cache etc).
Without it there is more chance of database corruption, of increased lag as the database needs to go through more and more information, or having longer, unscheduled down times etc..

As for installing the updates, for the major updates the server NEEDS to be offline.. just like windows has to close, or at-least restart any program when trying to install an update, the server cannot update the files if the game is up and the files are in use. Also, if people are online when the patches are being installed, there is a much higher chance of problems occurring, lost stats, missing items etc.
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Thursday, July 17th 2014, 12:13pm

  • "The Allods Project" started this thread

Posts: 186

Location: forest moon of endor

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As for installing the updates, for the major updates the server NEEDS to be offline.. just like windows has to close, or at-least restart any program when trying to install an update, the server cannot update the files if the game is up and the files are in use. Also, if people are online when the patches are being installed, there is a much higher chance of problems occurring, lost stats, missing items etc.
Yes ofc but there alot of games that can install the patches without affecting the game, until the game is restarted.
And im not the most IT and server pro in the world, but im pretty sure that a modern server can reset a cache memmory pretty fast.

There must be a way to upgrade to a new main server to speed up the downtime. Allods may not have that many players online but the game
just consumes money from the few players that play this game. so i mean there must be any way to shorten the downtimes. :P


Thursday, July 17th 2014, 12:38pm

  • "The Allods Project" started this thread

Posts: 186

Location: forest moon of endor

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Or you could make anything to do while the game is updating. for example, when you worked with gpotato. You could to surveys to get free crystals, that was a worth time spend while the game was down.


Thursday, July 17th 2014, 12:59pm

Pretty much all MMOs have regular server maintenance.
Some companies are lucky, and have their working hours during the night for their main clients, in which the amount of people that would notice the server down time is minumal.

The points I gave are just _some_ of what occurs during the maintenance (I'm also not a server admin, so I don't know the exact ins and outs of the maintenance).
I do know, having been around the gaming industry for around 6 years (10 if you include my early time volunteering) that client based MMO's like Allods are very complex systems, running off not one, but numerous servers, so the updating (and restart) process needs to be run on each server.
The main thing that takes the time though is the database clean up, which like I said, if that occurs when the database is in use, can lead to big problems.. would you be happy if the brand new item you've spent your money, or time upgrading vanished because the server was online during the database maintenance?
Its much easier, and safer to have the servers offline during all of this.

As for things like Sponsorpay.. I know that we are still working on a few other methods, but at this time I don't know if that is included yet.
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Thursday, July 17th 2014, 1:46pm



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U cant have ppl running older versions of the game, thats very exploitable.
Wiping the system and installing the new fresh one, defragmentation, database backing up, clearing, and optimizing and who knows what other nonsense =p
And mmorpg database is pretty huge. Depending on the size of the database it can take hours to do it.


Thursday, July 17th 2014, 1:54pm

Hello Themrt,

So I can say from my own experience so much that most of the servers are restarted even daily. It will be doing some procedures done, so without this the server after some time would be very congested even, so that the communication would be too busy with the server.
When you restart a server, these tasks are executed:
- Empty the cache
- Installing updates (infrastructure updates, security updates)
- Cooling of the processor, RAM and other devices
- Discovery of new devices (If new ones added)

You see, there are many points why you have to restart the server every time. It serves both you and the operator. If you look at the websites, game servers, Team Server by large companies like Microsoft, Google etc. will you notice that they are also weekly if not restarted even daily. You will as an outsider may not be possible notice because their servers are asynchronous, means if one half to be restarted, works the other half and this is then replaced.

I hope I could help you.

Seyyid A. 'Bayezid'


Thursday, July 17th 2014, 11:19pm



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The real reason they make a 4 hour update very Thursday is to give the no-lifers a chance to shower and buy groceries. Without it half of their playerbase would die. Of hunger.

LOL ahahahahahahahaha

anyway is only once a week so it's pretty much decent, just go out when servers are offline :P
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