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Friday, July 25th 2014, 2:24am



  • "Ellethin" started this thread

Posts: 3

Location: Boom

Occupation: Queen of the Iron Throne

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I can't get pass 92% of loading

Hey guys

So I just installed allods today and created a character. After playing the beginner quests, the ''real'' game starts loading.
My problem is, as soon as it started to load, it wouldn't finish (stays at 91% or 92%, it varies). I restarted my computer but it's still the same.

Can anybody help me? It would be great, 'cause I longed for this mmorpg for so long! :love:


This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Zurion" (Jul 25th 2014, 10:36am) with the following reason: Changed the prefix from 'Forum' to 'Client'


Friday, July 25th 2014, 10:36am

Hi, Ellethin.

How much do you wait once it reaches 92%?
Usually, it can take between 30 seconds - 1 minute. That's when your character and the interface (among other things) are loaded, so it takes a bit longer.


Friday, July 25th 2014, 10:43am



Posts: 361

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did you finished to download all the game?

When you download is there a not full light blue bar at the top of the circle ? If yes , just wait or use your launcher when you're doing other things to let him finish to download

You can click on that bar to show a more detailled window of what the game is currently downloading , Red is the files you need , Yellow is the files you could need (Like mounts skins , hl quest in that zone etc etc) , Green are the files you dont need at that moment
Sigmar 95 Demonist Officer of Legacy (Empire / P2P
Also HolyCurves , Malagor , Seya ,Therrettih , MySQL , TheProdigy

Old character
Alaff (90 Warrior F2P)
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Sunday, July 27th 2014, 7:44pm



  • "Ellethin" started this thread

Posts: 3

Location: Boom

Occupation: Queen of the Iron Throne

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There are some red files when I click at the round thingy. How can I download them?


Sunday, July 27th 2014, 11:38pm

The same thing happened to me when I downloaded two weeks ago, I just exited the game and waited ten minutes, however on another character the same thing happened and I just waited it through and it only took a little while, I don't know exactly for that. Either way its a problem with the download such is the issue with these playing while downloading things so you should probably just let it download it more.

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