Griffin is much faster then Horse
dont buy the horse! in no case! i have it since aseetep, its a big waste/dont buy the griffin! in no case! i have it since kira, its a big waste
dont buy the normal lion! in no case! i have it since pearlring, its a big waste - all are just good to look good with the skin of ur choice
dont buy food! daily the quest for food! it needs lvl 15 i guess and u will have enough food for use + bless
to have a lotpet lootin herbs and/or minerals will be the biggest timesave in ur life u wont missit! its incredibly annoying to walk to each lootspot and have an animation + failrate. saved time is used to play more and with herbs u can always mix in moments u wait for action ( many many moments) that will give and save u gold
u could get a wolf for free or with collectorcoins and make it rank 6 with a Kelpie (15€) if they will ever sell it again
if u will keep ur mentor and level till max he will prolly get ca 10k gold, cause ur last levels he gets % from ur goldincome besides the % from ur jubicoins, that and the chance that he doesnt need a rank4 mount should be an argument for u to get a mount from a mentor with bestfriendmode for little gold
prophetcards are gamblin or to expensive to get a mount the time u need it, try the prophetevents but !dont hestimate! that u will be the lucky one payin less then 80-100€ until mount appears. but maybe the fourth or fifth event u will get a mount with ur first or second lucky moment (50/50chance)
the stuff from prophetevent replaces much gold if u use potent elixiers, the food is a shame, the outfits mostly dont fit, with the crystals and golddust u can make maybe a lvl3 rune
maybe the carpet is something for u?
if u have no real battlemount (fast and durable + usefull skills) u can only get a lessfaster lessdurable mount with less usefull skills. if ur mount is slow u will be the last evrytime grp is ridin. if ur mount isnt durable u will be easy to unmount which makes u slower and receiving early damage.
its really annoying to get unmounted and killed especially in guildfights, but its more annoying to be slow in general. u can buy item to ride 9 secs invisible and avoid damage
good is to get no damage from jumping cause that kills u easy and u will have to jump!
i love the jump (30secs cd) from dragon, highly recommended, makes it very fast, no compare to pegasus or griffin.
the kickstun from mammut or similar skills arent really usefull, the moment u could stun healer to death u will prolly not sitting on ur mount. u would give them away twice for a highfrequent jump
unfortunately u missed the fridaymountsellevent, maybe end of this year they do a similar event, would hope so.
next mount will be a tandemmount, so if u have lvl >5 runes and equip like the average serverprogress this mountusers maybe would like to take u with them in battlegrounds, there u get important ressources, good for u that all equip will be reset soon.
A big advantage beside fast riding is to restore HP and mana faster on mount with items.