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Blinded by Love
How does one get rid of this effect? I visited the Spirit of Passion, but it gave me no option to purge it.
Is it bugged? I'm sick of being surrounded by hearts.
There should be a new quest at her, where you have to use an item on another person with the hearts. After you finish it, your hearts are gone and you get a trinket.
Colin Quinn Recipe for success/dinner. 1/2 cup of brass you know whats, a tablespoon of I don't give a care, and a pound of get off my back, jack!
There should be a new quest at her, where you have to use an item on another person with the hearts. After you finish it, your hearts are gone and you get a trinket.
I can't get that quest, for some reason.
Are you from the brasilian server ?
how does one get the curse of love tho? i tried a lot on my mage but nothing happend, i went on my reinc (warrior) , jumped abt 10 secs in YT after coming from the basement, my screen flashed and i was "cursed" lol, anyonre xplain?:x
how does one get the curse of love tho? i tried a lot on my mage but nothing happend, i went on my reinc (warrior) , jumped abt 10 secs in YT after coming from the basement, my screen flashed and i was "cursed" lol, anyonre xplain?:x
There's a chance to get it when youa re shot with the arrows.
I think you'll be able to get rid of it on lv 20 since all event quests are marked for that level.
I think you'll be able to get rid of it on lv 20 since all event quests are marked for that level.
That makes sense, though it will take me a while because I'm not leveling alone.
Thanks for cleearing that.