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Monday, March 2nd 2015, 4:57pm

  • "The Allods Project" started this thread

Posts: 185

Location: forest moon of endor

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tank in 6.0 warrior or paladin?

Hey, right know as you all may know warriors are useless tanks compared to paladins.

But what about 6.0? will warrior stil be useless tanks?

The reason to why i say they are useless is because they cannot take agros from enemyes without wirlspin, and since people wants to start attacking as quicly as they can warriors does not get enough combat adventage befour all enemys have spread out. so will they be betetr tanks in 6.0?


Monday, March 2nd 2015, 5:29pm

  • "The Allods Project" started this thread

Posts: 185

Location: forest moon of endor

Occupation: play allods :P

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Monday, March 2nd 2015, 5:45pm

you wrote that its a problem for warrior tank to get aggro of grp of mobs
i preset as solution to use "crushing blow" skill into the enemies to get aggro even if the DPS in grp are not waiting until you spin

(since it does a high amount od DMG in combination with the "cruelty" skill (300% + aggro) it should be possible to keep the mobs on you this way


Monday, March 2nd 2015, 6:46pm



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well the paladin will simply NEVER get all the aggro ... just made for 1on1


Monday, March 2nd 2015, 7:26pm


Tuesday, March 3rd 2015, 3:02pm

  • "The Allods Project" started this thread

Posts: 185

Location: forest moon of endor

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u serious, ive seen tons of paladin tanks who takes agros from every singel mob, ty to condomnation or whatever its called, they are always doing dammage to all enemys.

but this is not my question at all.

My question was will they be betetr at tanking in 6.0 or will they be the same?


Tuesday, March 3rd 2015, 8:52pm



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If they don't wait you to take aggro, they do wrong.

Warriors are good tank, but if you want something very powerful, go paladin. They do even higher damage than dps in tank spec but are a bit more difficult to use in tanking.


Tuesday, March 3rd 2015, 9:38pm



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If they don't wait you to take aggro, they do wrong.

got palas alrdy killing those mobs alone faster than getting aggro lol


Wednesday, March 4th 2015, 7:44am

Posts: 136

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Summy is good tank at least now 8)
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