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Sunday, March 15th 2015, 2:45pm

Just "bought crystals" but they are not shown [urgent]

hello all,

I wanted to "top up" some crystals to start playing on the sub server, I 1st made a transaction with paypal and everything seemed ok even received an email that the payment was completed but I dont see any crystal and I cannot sub.

Made a 2nd transaction directly throught VISA same story, said payment was completed but still no crystals.

How long does it take to top up my account or are there payment problems or ?



Sunday, March 15th 2015, 2:53pm



Posts: 700

Location: in my Livingroom

Occupation: Geriatric nurse

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Hey Ayurox,

atm we have some problems with the top up for the sub server! We have fast forward the problems to the Devs.
Kurtcobain-Lvl 80-Demo/ Sechmet-Lvl 80 Cleric

KurtCobain - lvl 80 Cleric (LEAGUE)


Sunday, March 15th 2015, 4:02pm

Hey Ayurox,

atm we have some problems with the top up for the sub server! We have fast forward the problems to the Devs.
Any eta on this solution, apperently sincere yesterday this problem has been up, this is kinda urgent matter to look into no ?


Sunday, March 15th 2015, 8:08pm

In this thread,…d&threadID=7175, we are having the same problem.

Edit: 3/16/2015 - It worked for me, I'm subscribed and have a character on the sub server.
trying to pay for a sub.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Applecart" (Mar 16th 2015, 11:50pm)

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