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Presentation is key, so feel free to break up your build using informative images - though bear in mind that we will not be accepting entries that are composed of 100% images, nor will we be accepting videos or external links. Once the event ends, all builds will be gathered and judged by our Goblin panel!
Let me tell u something, even if everything is copy paste its completly fine for me WHY? Cuz when i changing class and looking for builds and explanations, instead of opening calculator and reading everything there (there is no % for every type of rubie) and even if there is a explanation, how the hell i can know is that for pvp or pve or something else how i can know for what is that good ? U gonna tell me this is good for u take it ? How i can know what is % for critical ? From talent calculator ? And before i change class i always looking for some good explanations, even before i change class. So for newbies is even harder... And in my opinion all pmb's with copy paste, including numbers and all, tips and explanation for what those talents/rubies are good, is much better then without any explanation (take a pic of your build and post - read on talent calc. ) LELMost of the PMBs people assumed would win purely looked good, had their contents table and fancy images but what information did they actually give? They were walls of text with just a copy/paste of the ingame spells tooltip, this gives no information that can't be obtained by just reading the spells yourself. The guides that won offered alternative information that isn't obvious on tooltips and requires some form of testing to find yourself. The point is to teach players your way of playing (your class) and share you're build, explaining what you use and WHY. NOT what every spell every stat every ruby does with a copy paste of the tooltip.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "TheRampage" (May 1st 2015, 6:45pm)
I'd accept this ruling if my guide were actually 100% images, but my guide certainly is NOT 100% images.