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This post has been edited 9 times, last edit by "Mhuldoon" (May 14th 2015, 6:15pm)
there is no "approved / not approved" for the entry
but from a DESIGN perspective, those that are not symmetrical are NOT supported by the Allods client, and thus, not feasible (and we only got that information a couple of days before hand).
As for the Male / Female thing, you don't have to submit both, but (at least for first prize) there will be separate winners for both Male and Female costumes.
We reserve the right to slightly alter the winning design in order to match the game's requirements.
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Gladia" (May 13th 2015, 8:58pm)
Let's cut the corner - Symmetrical designs will be preferred and we'll now be adding this to the rules. Rest assured that there are no other rule-changes laying in wait, so good luck to the designers!Quoted
last time the contest had nearly ended when suddenly they told the costume design HAD to be symmetrical
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Mhuldoon" (May 14th 2015, 6:25pm)