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Monday, September 14th 2015, 11:46am

Hello please fix this error message to mentor Wolverineq sent to Lightbarrierz

Hello please fix this error message :
I send a word to my mentor Wolverineq and the word got to Lightbarrierz ?
mariakarina has attached the following image:
  • error mesage to mentor Wolverineq sent to Lightbarrierz.jpg


Monday, September 14th 2015, 12:02pm



Posts: 440

Location: France

Occupation: Quitted

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It's normal, this message just means your mentor has different incarnations (= different characters that belong to the same progenitor).
As an apprentice, you can speak to any of them : the message will be redirected to the proper character logged in.

Don't worry, it's still the same person/account, it's just to make it easier for you to communicate with your mentor so you can always reach him, even when he's logged in another character :)

Cheers, have fun !


Monday, September 14th 2015, 1:00pm

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