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Friday, October 23rd 2015, 12:53am

Worth to start play again?


Is it worth go back to allods after one and half year? I was playing it alot on the fp2 server but i left it behind because of the CS. I have 2 chars on p2p sever if i remember right. :evil:


Friday, October 23rd 2015, 2:28am

Depends, I would say yeah. Still having a great time with my friends here. can you accept the fact that our population is really low? The game itself is fine, we have other players that catched up fast in the last weeks and lower astral layers are playable without keys / 300% replicators now. All you need is motivation for grinding and gearing up. Try out for a month, see for yourself. Contact Utopie on empire, Avarice on league side - These are the active guilds you should get in contact with for Astral, wild shore, all the rest.


Sunday, October 25th 2015, 8:50am


Is it worth go back to allods after one and half year? I was playing it alot on the fp2 server but i left it behind because of the CS. I have 2 chars on p2p sever if i remember right. :evil:

I desided to return but I am waiting the 7.0 patch because they say they are gonna rework all the classis... I used to play as a DPS palla but left after their nerf. They promised on 7.0 patch that every class will deal around the same amount of dmg if built properly. This made me kinda happy but I don't know what to expect yet. here is an imoji just to make you feel better :) :)


Tuesday, November 17th 2015, 12:46pm

I found a nice video wich should awnser your question:

nice video!
"Das Leben - so wie es wirklich ist - ist nicht der Kampf zwischen Gut und Böse, sondern zwischen Böse und noch Schlimmerem."
Joseph Brodsky


Tuesday, November 17th 2015, 6:05pm



Posts: 440

Location: France

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I found a nice video wich should awnser your question:

nice video!

We need more videos like that, kudos to the one who made it ! Keep on showing what makes Allods unique, and advertise it around you. Coz yes, it's the best MMO out there, period.


Tuesday, November 17th 2015, 6:29pm



Posts: 182

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Nice video mate awesome way to get people to give p2p a try again, I wonder if the guy that made that video still is playing? I also found these on my travels around you-tube.

Allods Online: A Player's Teaser

Allods Online: Teaser Trailer 2

Its to bad allods online EN does not use these to advertise the game. These were done very well. Very tasteful I must say

I will say Empire has more people though I think League still has some people as well though I wonder league gets more people. :thumbup:

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Azir" (Nov 17th 2015, 6:53pm)


Wednesday, November 18th 2015, 1:28am



Posts: 440

Location: France

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Nice video mate awesome way to get people to give p2p a try again, I wonder if the guy that made that video still is playing? I also found these on my travels around you-tube.

Allods Online: A Player's Teaser

Allods Online: Teaser Trailer 2

Its to bad allods online EN does not use these to advertise the game. These were done very well. Very tasteful I must say

Thanks for sharing these ! I saw the first one when it was made, forgot about the second one :)

Also, i'm pretty sure there are awesome PVE (raids / allods) and PVP (domi, duels, BGs) videos out there - post your best ones !
Just remember it's not to promote the player capturing, but the awesome game Allods is in all its aspects :)

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