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Saturday, November 28th 2015, 5:16pm



  • "Azir" started this thread

Posts: 182

Location: USA

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Bad Patch

Nice patch ugh rich buffs dont even give you good gold anymore how do you expect us to grind out gold. I mean come on from rich and rather then it giving you 12k gold for 3k stacks you get 800 gold :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: now we have to stick to KoE and Maze just to get gold..... Dev's at work :thumbdown:

If anyone has other ways to get gold please leave a coment so far, KoE, Maze and there was Rich buff along with tickets from AS, cave, and AR... But Rich buffs were the best gold income.


Saturday, November 28th 2015, 5:23pm



Posts: 98

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Man-up and go pvp, 70k gold/week there +what you get from sb.


Saturday, November 28th 2015, 6:14pm



  • "Azir" started this thread

Posts: 182

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Sub pvp is not fully up at the moment dont know if it will be,

By the way nice videos on the new raid I miss Ascendancy. On P2P :thumbsup:

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Azir" (Nov 28th 2015, 7:11pm)


Sunday, November 29th 2015, 12:48pm



Posts: 334

Location: Bucharest

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Farming gold like in the old days is impossible.
Best is to run AR with reincs/different chars, and doing 2x pvp wins.
70k per week :(, that use to be farmable in a day :(...
Fireofdeath -70 - demonologist
Puffypuf - 65 - furball warden
Rensy - 65 - paladin
Akyrra - 70 - psionicist healer
Turquiose - 60 - bard
Springfull - 60 - mage
FoxBee - 31 warden


Monday, November 30th 2015, 6:32am

Posts: 15

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just spend real life money
anything else is not intended


Monday, November 30th 2015, 10:42am

just spend real life money
anything else is not intended
Awww... such a lovely idea. Unfortunatly, you can't invest real life money on p2p.
And with "empty" server, PVP doesn't pop as usual as in f2p server.

p2p has limit with reincs, also.



Monday, November 30th 2015, 11:05am

Posts: 15

Location: berlin

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well then xupa good luck
the only possibility would then be to farm particles in AS and by that you get your symbols of gold
i am still waiting for an english client playable on the russian servers
best thing that could happen with allods for p2p players



Monday, November 30th 2015, 3:08pm

OMG what's that? Old ways are too hard? I don't get it.

Even with this nerf it's much easier to gring gold on p2p server than it was before 6.0.2 patch!
This gold income from rich zones was nothing more than abberation or misscalculation. Even now it's the best source to farm, because it grants gold and coins.

Btw. Lets just try to pop PvP often. We did it yesterday, and League is planing to keep PvP poping constantly. With or without Imperials :P But we hope for cooperation and good competition in this matter.
Muriel - Avarice - Smugglers Paradise - League


Monday, November 30th 2015, 5:38pm

Just go farm gold in astral while doing AH or just farm etherium and anomalies.

Easy 35-40k a day.

always farmed gold that way, never failed me.


Smugglers Paradise - League - Avarice


Monday, November 30th 2015, 5:58pm



  • "Azir" started this thread

Posts: 182

Location: USA

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Thanks for all the info helped alot :)

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