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Thursday, February 18th 2016, 4:35pm



  • "Mhuldoon" started this thread

Posts: 567

Location: Galway, Ireland

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Update 7.0 "New Order": Storyline

Dear Sarnaut,

We're happy to announce that New Order, our upcoming 7.0 update,is heading your way very soon – paving the way forward with an increased level cap of 70 and brand new quest chains, unveiling the events that follow on from the demise of Locus.

Despite Locus' defeat, Heroes will meet the Architects once again – only this time the conflict will bring about an unfathomable war of the worlds!

Dane, the allod of the Free Traders, will become the unfortunate battlefield for this epic confrontation.

In contrast to the eerie and abandoned Ferris, Dane is a thriving island full of cities and villages whose inhabitants will be the ones to stand in the breach.

Having previously hired an entire army of perfectly equipped mercenaries to keep their domain safe, the Free Traders considered Dane to be very well protected for numerous years. However, with an invasion force now marching on their doorstep, it is clear that the threat they face is not only fearless and merciless, but also countless...

The Architects neither negotiate nor take prisoners. Worse yet is the fact that allods captured by them are degraded into a strange matter that is alien in nature to all living things. Should Dane fall, Sarnaut in its entirety will be in the enemy’s hands.

In the face of total annihilation, inhabitants of disparate allods must consider burying old grudges while considering the fate of their own homelands.

As bitter a pill as it is to swallow, neither the League nor Empire can win this war alone. On the other hand, an alliance between the two would allow brave heroes from both factions to rise to the challenge of defending Sarnaut from this visceral alien threat.

It is time for you, one of the many defenders of Sarnaut, to prepare for war! Dozens of difficult combat operations await you, leading to encounters with new characters and races, time travel, and the biggest battles in the history of Sarnaut!

Unlike the story of Ferris, this episode will not be divided into chapters. If the war against the Architects is won, more exciting events will be waiting for us in seasons 7+.

Are you ready to step up and fight for Sarnaut's survival? Then be sure to follow our news feed and social media as we'll be revealing more details about Update 7.0: New Order in the near future, so stay tuned!

Like this news and reap the rewards!

If we reach 200 combined "likes" across all languages by next Friday, then Lucky Hours will be available for your enjoyment over the weekend. Simply hit the thumbs-up on the news article here on our site, or over on Facebook!

This post has been edited 4 times, last edit by "Mhuldoon" (Feb 19th 2016, 6:28pm)


Thursday, February 18th 2016, 4:52pm



Posts: 1,349

Location: Wisconsin - USA

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Grrrrrr no date.


Thursday, February 18th 2016, 4:57pm



Posts: 1,349

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Like this news and reap the rewards!

If we reach 200 combined "likes" across all languages by Friday, then Lucky Hours will be available for your enjoyment over the weekend. Simply hit the thumbs-up on this article or over on Facebook to take part!
Can you tell me how to do this?
I don't feel like going to Facebook.


Thursday, February 18th 2016, 5:06pm



Posts: 144

Location: England

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We online gaming nerds don't get dates. Have you learned nothing?



Thursday, February 18th 2016, 5:12pm



Posts: 1,349

Location: Wisconsin - USA

Occupation: Destoryer of all things you love

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We online gaming nerds don't get dates. Have you learned nothing?


Awww but Mr. Frikkity Frik Frak, I must disagree! I found my lovely wife in this game. Married her in game, went on dates in the game, then went on dates in real life, then got married in real life! :D

It can happen, remember to dream big. ;)


Thursday, February 18th 2016, 5:16pm



Posts: 37

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We online gaming nerds don't get dates. Have you learned nothing?


Awww but Mr. Frikkity Frik Frak, I must disagree! I found my lovely wife in this game. Married her in game, went on dates in the game, then went on dates in real life, then got married in real life! :D

It can happen, remember to dream big. ;)


Thursday, February 18th 2016, 5:18pm



Posts: 144

Location: England

Occupation: Slayer of Imps

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Thursday, February 18th 2016, 6:12pm



Posts: 51

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Isn't it usually like a month after these things start popping that the patch comes out? Not sure but i think it was like that before. :'D


Thursday, February 18th 2016, 8:16pm

We're happy to announce that New Order, our upcoming 7.0 update,is heading your way very soon

Great, at least we know they aren't shutting it all down :thumbsup:

Now for the "very soon" part, I'd be surprised if it was less than 2 months to release :thumbdown:


Thursday, February 18th 2016, 9:24pm



Posts: 868

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imo it's gonoing to be in march as usual ;)


Friday, February 19th 2016, 9:22am

Isn't it usually like a month after these things start popping that the patch comes out? Not sure but i think it was like that before. :'D

There're about 6 articles about the 7.0 patch that they'll translate probably. If they release one a week, then it's probably 6-7 weeks at least until we get it.
Stargazer - P2P League
Hiren - P2P Empire


Friday, February 19th 2016, 3:48pm

Just let me into some the priden lands in 7.0 pleaaase!!! i need to go there for... study. The male priden anatomy intrigues me.

See, i'm a female elf and that means no bodyhair. So when you introduce a race of beings that are all tall and masculine, and hairy like an animal... it... intrigues me. I wanna learn about their... culture. and stuff...

Their fashion takes some getting used to though.


Friday, February 19th 2016, 4:34pm



Posts: 572

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Study completed.. no reason to get excited.. all male pridens have the same stiffstuffstaff like gibberlings... uknownwatimean.. and elve do love more the beautiful things not the shrimpys
PLS make Tekians playable race. fix shipcanons!


Friday, February 19th 2016, 5:21pm



  • "Mhuldoon" started this thread

Posts: 567

Location: Galway, Ireland

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Simply hit the thumbs-up on this article

Can you tell me how to do this?
I don't feel like going to Facebook.
Hey again,

Regarding Lucky News, all likes given directly to the news article (ie. like button on the bottom of its page) as well as likes on the facebook post for that exact same news, get counted toward the total (across all languages). This will apply to any and all update news provided during the lead-up to its release (which is currently TBA), meaning potential for several lucky moments for you guys during the wait.

In short, you can like the news directly from here (on-site) without going to Facebook (though it will require a log-in, if you aren't already) -- or you can head to Facebook itself and like the post there instead. Every thumb-up helps :thumbsup:



Friday, February 19th 2016, 5:39pm



Posts: 1,349

Location: Wisconsin - USA

Occupation: Destoryer of all things you love

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So any way you look at it, it's through Facebook then...I see.
Thanks for the update.


Saturday, February 20th 2016, 6:45pm

i would want to like it, but i dont have Facebook.

please count this LIKE as well :)

just dont want to make a FB account just to have my data raped from american criminal organisations like FBI or CIA


Saturday, February 20th 2016, 7:54pm

i would want to like it, but i dont have Facebook.

please count this LIKE as well :)

just dont want to make a FB account just to have my data raped from american criminal organisations like FBI or CIA

exactly this, you took the words out of my mouth here...!!

count my "like" as well but without facebook-***

btw dont forget to block all the social media trackingbuttons, 3rd party cookies and other annoyances...
here is a good filterlist for that

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