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This post has been edited 4 times, last edit by "Mhuldoon" (Feb 19th 2016, 6:28pm)
Can you tell me how to do this?Like this news and reap the rewards!
If we reach 200 combined "likes" across all languages by Friday, then Lucky Hours will be available for your enjoyment over the weekend. Simply hit the thumbs-up on this article or over on Facebook to take part!
We online gaming nerds don't get dates. Have you learned nothing?
We online gaming nerds don't get dates. Have you learned nothing?
Awww but Mr. Frikkity Frik Frak, I must disagree! I found my lovely wife in this game. Married her in game, went on dates in the game, then went on dates in real life, then got married in real life!
It can happen, remember to dream big.![]()
Isn't it usually like a month after these things start popping that the patch comes out? Not sure but i think it was like that before. :'D
Hey again,Simply hit the thumbs-up on this article
Can you tell me how to do this?
I don't feel like going to Facebook.
i would want to like it, but i dont have Facebook.
please count this LIKE as well
just dont want to make a FB account just to have my data raped from american criminal organisations like FBI or CIA