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This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Kuekas" (Mar 30th 2016, 4:34pm)
So you want to put other languages under english because english is common? Is it racist? Yeah to the max. I bet you whispering to the people who dont talk english and warn them to use english. Its pretty selfish reason to expect not talk their language. Fırstly why you even bother to understand they did not talking with you. I use my own language(turkish by the way) when i talk to people who use same language. I dont care what others think that time i want to talk with people from my country. Should I expect everyone know english Hell no! Should i have to make party to talk with severel people because your precious eyes have a rape session.
PS: Please bother yourself with better issues such as kids in Africa. They are hungry ffs bother yourself with it. And have a good one![]()