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so basicly that means that i will get on all char. BUT i can use only 1 time on 1 char... right?Hello,
question ... about that pack... if i have many chars. on my acc how do i choose wich one can get it??
and talking about the sub. server
thx for answer…74057#post74057
About the P2P server:
question ... about that pack... if i have many chars. on my acc how do i choose wich one can get it??
Quoted from "CM_official"
Packs will be sent to all avatars. Even new avatar, which will be created a month after purchase, will receive it. We have only one restriction here. One soul could get pack only once.
One question, i'm not sure if this has been asked/answered already, will the the Omni core morpher be sent to all players on the F2P server? i mean those players who do not have the collector's edition or is it only exclusive to that particular package? thank you in advance for the reply.
@Mapz i rrly doubt iti mean giving a permanent morpher nearly for free to everyone? wow they would waste many thousands like this
Hey there - this was answered earlier in the thread.
I have been having issues with trying to top up (and support just told me to try top up with a less amount which wasn't a real solution at
all), as well as trying to straight up buy this collector's edition. How long is this collector's edition going to be available for purchase?
Because right now it looks like I will have to wait until the Easter holiday is over before I can attempt to get this sorted out or find some type of solution.
EDIT: Can also confirm that Ambrosia can't be used on the CE-Morpher.
It will be active for a long time, comparable to the time of 7.0 would be on servers.
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Mhuldoon" (Mar 28th 2016, 3:15pm)
Please note, that in Russia, packs have become available for Crystals after some time. We are planing to do the same. In case you want to buy this packs for crystals, please wait a little.
Yes, it will be.I just want to know if the lightning bolt will be purchasable for premium crystals. I know they were able to buy it on the russian server for PC but do we have the same circumstances in that case?
It will be available shortly after 7.0 has been released.Will they be available for crystals before 7.0 is live, or sometime after 7.0 is live? I only ask this because I don't plan to level as the class I am now.![]()