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I've been doing the Launcher icon. Is the My.Com Game Center somewhere on this website or is it a downloaded folder on my computer? Thanks!Are you starting the game by Allods Launcher icon or by My.Com Game Center?
Since it becamo My.Com, sometimes, after updates and patches, i got those errors but if update by My.Com Game Center, it solves everything.
Try this... hope it helps..
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "lithrium" (Mar 31st 2016, 5:10pm)
Logged in, no collector package to be found, no mount, nothing...
Aaaaaaand now I'm really glad I paid with PayPal.![]()
Please create ticket about it.I have still not resived my Colectors pack![]()
When can i expect to get it? i got the Premium Crystals but nothing els
Thanks, am checking that now.Hello,
Kendah, i encourage you to read all the answers CM_Official gave us last week :…74057#post74057
I merged your message with the official topic about Collector's Editions.