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This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Mhuldoon" (Apr 28th 2016, 5:39pm)
You say this, but currently I would say the Domi scene is balanced more towards smart play than it has been in the past. Yes, a full team of high runed people is going to absolutely trounce a group of low runed people. But teams of similarly runed and geared people can still have an incredible mismatch in results depending on skill. I can tell you for certain this last week when my team went up against Vash and Penance, while they did have something of a rune advantage, that's not why we got squashed. We got wrecked because our plan of attack was inadequate, at least one person the group was still learning some ropes after a recent class change, our party composition of classes/aspects was unoptimized, and we weren't all familiar with each other's playstyle. If the balance of runes and CS had tipped into our favor instead, we probably still would have been crushed.With full 13 party its rly hard to domi eh?
Going solo is indeed a challenge.Want a challenge?
Go solo everything.
No, I mean it. There are some Allods that are near impossible to solo because Mercenary AI is quite bad and certain boss mechanics are designed with at least two brains present.
Might as well be considered solo since mercs are so mediocre. They're only real value is that they ignore some AoE's from Allods bosses.Going solo is indeed a challenge.Want a challenge?
Go solo everything.
No, I mean it. There are some Allods that are near impossible to solo because Mercenary AI is quite bad and certain boss mechanics are designed with at least two brains present.
Using mercs is not going solo.
Every cashshoper tries to defend that runes dont mean that much,u guys are around for years.What about newbies that want some of that realgar?I mean srly most of the heavy cashshopers have close to 0 skill on the game they just depends on their runes to win.Like old patch were 125k people full 10/13s going bgs just coz their thing is small so they can compensate with their power in online game too boost their ego.You say this, but currently I would say the Domi scene is balanced more towards smart play than it has been in the past. Yes, a full team of high runed people is going to absolutely trounce a group of low runed people. But teams of similarly runed and geared people can still have an incredible mismatch in results depending on skill. I can tell you for certain this last week when my team went up against Vash and Penance, while they did have something of a rune advantage, that's not why we got squashed. We got wrecked because our plan of attack was inadequate, at least one person the group was still learning some ropes after a recent class change, our party composition of classes/aspects was unoptimized, and we weren't all familiar with each other's playstyle. If the balance of runes and CS had tipped into our favor instead, we probably still would have been crushed.With full 13 party its rly hard to domi eh?
And that's okay. You learn from your loss and hope to improve next time. But 13s aren't a Gameshark that ensures a win.
Care to elaborate on this? As someone who mostly only does solo distortions (with mid-level runes and a mix of green/blue gear), a fleshed out opinion would be interesting to read, as opposed to an unexplained statement.But for true solo you can try Distortions. Those are supposed to be for single players but they are also rather poorly designed.
Care to elaborate on this? As someone who mostly only does solo distortions (with mid-level runes and a mix of green/blue gear), a fleshed out opinion would be interesting to read, as opposed to an unexplained statement.But for true solo you can try Distortions. Those are supposed to be for single players but they are also rather poorly designed.
If you could provide examples that would be great. It has been a month, what new possibilities are there? Sure the new support bard, engi take a while to get used to, but you cant argue that every class has a lot of build variations. And before builds were more complex, you had a choice of which rubies you could take. For example you could take rubies to decrease elemental dmg vs mages, rubies to decrease physical dmg vs pallies and warriors, and alternate. Now you just see oh its under defensive or assault aspect, need to take that. There is no point to take rubies that are under another aspect because they wont apply, so there is a lot less freedom or choice, making it less complex than it was before. And for dominion you just need a dps war, supress summy and mage, dps pally, cleric healer, and support bard/engi and proceed to win. Replace a warden as dps or healer, scout dies too fast. PvP is just aoe everything in random skirms now, dont see how it is more cant rrly understand this about new classes beeing too limited loli mean yeah pve became easy but classes became too simple?! even 1 month after patch ppl still find new things they can do with their class... there are so much possibilitys now which are utterly game breaking you especially see this in dominion every sunday as some grps completly trash enemy grps even tho they have same gear and cs
reason is cuz most ppl dont rrly understand their new class yet but they still whine about it beeing too simple?... and how was it more complex before? the "diffrent" builds ppl had before were limited to maybe 3-4 rubees who where diffrent cuz there WAS a perfect build for every class...ofc you could skill diffrent but then the build was shit
so just try to give the new classes a chance and you will see pvp became waaay more intresting as many classes have unforseen possibilitys now
Here's where the water gets muddy.
I'm quite the opposite of you, as I wouldn't really do solo stuff but here's my take on that:
- Only one difficulty option, though
even on P2P there's massive difference between player and player (as
well as builds, aspects, specs)- It was hardly ever
challenging, even with class/spec built around supporting others rather
than doing any damage - thus is feels more of a mindless grind in the
end, rather than achieving something.- Rather weird that it's
pretty much just about dealing damage, despite all the new aspects
available. Would've been somewhat interesting if you were to get
different objectives as Healer/Support/Suppression aspects.
This post has been edited 4 times, last edit by "Mhuldoon" (May 2nd 2016, 1:04pm)
That's true on everything - once you learn something, it becomes easy or more easy than it was before you learnt it. So in itself it can't be taken as an argument that something isn't challenging enough. Only way to make something truly challenging would be content where random luck decides between winning and losing. Everything else can be learnt and gears can be improved to meet with content difficulty. There wouldn't be a point making so difficult content that even the players with best gears couldn't cope with it.Once you learn the tricks behind s2 astral it becomes a routine, just the same thing over and over.