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This post has been edited 8 times, last edit by "Mhuldoon" (Jun 24th 2016, 5:27pm)
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Eg. If you are a Summoner, wear a complete Summoner (class) costume and salute the Summoner trainer. There are many costumes of various tiers for class/race combinations, such as the "Heretic" sets for Arisen Healers, "Inquisitor" sets for Xada Healers, "Priest" sets for Kanian Healers etc., as well as various class-only (non-race) sets achievable from raiding (eg. "Astral Mage" is classed as a Mage costume).What is considered a class costume?
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Mhuldoon" (Jun 24th 2016, 9:48pm)
you are a Summoner, wear a complete Summoner (class) costume and salute the Summoner trainer. There are many costumes of various tiers for class/race combinations, such as the "Heretic" sets for Arisen Healers, "Inquisitor" sets for Xada Healers, "Priest" sets for Kanian Healers etc., as well as various class-only (non-race) sets achievable from raiding (eg. "Astral Mage" is classed as a Mage costume).
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Gwiniel" (Jun 26th 2016, 12:28pm)
I know you need only 10 tasks completed to gain 100 points but can you enter more than 10, if you have done more? Of course you don't get more points than the maximum 100 personally but does it add more to the total score? More importantly is it an acceptable entry, if there's more than 10 tasks screened in the entry?
Also in the astral task it says "to let a demon aboard and kill it on your ship"... So does it have to me MY ship or is it an acceptable task, when you are in astral in a party and kill demons on someone else's ship?