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isnt it just every person runs into 1 of the beams? if its oneshotting you use a dmg reduce every heal should have a skill like this and then you survive the hit just dont take 2 of the beams then it will hurt
@homerosi when just taking 1 beam? i mean when your full vit and concentration you should have at least 2,5 mio hp and the same barrier all the time + 35% dmg reduce you get from your heal and a deffbuff your own class has this should do the trick somehow
@homerosi when just taking 1 beam? i mean when your full vit and concentration you should have at least 2,5 mio hp and the same barrier all the time + 35% dmg reduce you get from your heal and a deffbuff your own class has this should do the trick somehow
That's my point really, it doesn't on p2p, ur party just wipes because even the tank can't take the beam without dieing really (and all shields and buff stuff).