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Monday, December 19th 2016, 7:51pm

The State of Allods

Hey all i know many of you don't know me and several of you do so firstly i would like to introduce myself. In game i play as Killathd, Nuie , and lately Asthetic. I have played allods for a long time now not even fully sure of how long myself to be honest. Lately i have seen alot of posts with players upset about the state of the game, upset about the apparent lack of attention payed to us the player base and upset by to be quite honest upset about how we have been given the middle finger a few times recently with no real response. Counter to this i haven't really seen many posts about the plus sides of this game about the fun that is still easy to have in this game about the enjoyment factor of this game. Ill admit i at one point considered quitting this game but it had nothing to do with the game itself and everything to do with a situation that happened my guild itself more or less died before my eyes and not a day goes by when im playing that i dont miss it. i miss laughing with ehle and blysse and krafty i miss talking stats and builds and rotations with nethan and teknoone and mikedark i miss raiding for hours with peppy saint and grouchy arcangelz hell i even miss getting trolled by aricer (not really). But overall i still love this game, though their exist aspects of the game i wish hadn't been changed such as the relic system and the ability to craft gear. Their are new aspects of the game that i continue to enjoy Lets not undercut allods here the new raid (Battle of Gods) is beautiful albeit not the most challenging content allods has released it is still an enjoyable raid with beautiful design and well thought out and incorporated mechanics. yes allods itself has changed, yes many aspects of the old allods are missing, and yes we all still miss piopico, but change doesn't have to bring a hatred of the game. the game has changed so instead of getting upset about it embrace the changes find something new in the game that you can enjoy, find something new that can remind you of why you play allods in the first place. Back to the original topic the state of allods itself i find is starting to fall off in player size and i do not want to see this game die thus i will begin streaming Allods online in January of 2017, I hope to be able to grow allods player base here in america as i have seen very few streamers and even fewer English speaking ones. I will be streaming probably five days a week from 12 to 8 est . Im going to stream everything in allods , from snowball and hammer fights in tower, to pvp, to raids to astrals and everything in between and with a new patch to explore i think its a great opportunity to show people that this game is still great and still fun. Im not asking for everyone to donate to me but at the very least support me and lets work together to remind people why we love allods. You can follow me on Twitch, Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube. so please work with me support me trash talk me whatever you want but lets all have fun see you online :)


Tuesday, December 20th 2016, 4:09pm

Posts: 63

Location: Allods (Smugglers Paradise)

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i will begin streaming Allods online in January of 2017, I hope to be able to grow allods player base here in america as i have seen very few streamers and even fewer English speaking ones. I will be streaming probably five days a week from 12 to 8 est . Im going to stream everything in allods , from snowball and hammer fights in tower, to pvp, to raids to astrals and everything in between and with a new patch to explore i think its a great opportunity to show people that this game is still great and still fun. Im not asking for everyone to donate to me but at the very least support me and lets work together to remind people why we love allods. You can follow me on Twitch, Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube. so please work with me support me trash talk me whatever you want but lets all have fun see you online :)
Can't wait for your stream I will follow you even though i don't know you yet. good luck :thumbup: quick advice: if you really want to stream, stream the P2p server cause people already know that Allods the Ftp server is Pay to win.
[Guilde: Utopie] [Server: Smugglers Paradise]

Character: DarkDemo

Class: Engineer

Fraction: Empire

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "TheAdmiral94" (Dec 20th 2016, 4:17pm)


Tuesday, December 20th 2016, 4:53pm



Posts: 1,349

Location: Wisconsin - USA

Occupation: Destoryer of all things you love

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Thanks for the mention you big ooph you!
:D Just kidding.

Hello Killa!!!
Merry Christmas from me and Saint :love:


Tuesday, December 20th 2016, 6:00pm

Don't you lie! You love my trolls!

Remember that one time I bought the wraith. Ahhh good times.

I love ya buddy. I miss playing this game with all my old buddies.


Tuesday, December 20th 2016, 7:06pm

Haha Merry christmas Groot and Aricer i will never forget that you are the reason i do not have a wraith lol


Tuesday, December 20th 2016, 10:46pm

I just started this game, seems ok, is there any mentorship for faster leveling though?


Wednesday, December 21st 2016, 12:37am

Love the idea and initiative!
Are you playing on the sub server or the free to play one?


Wednesday, December 21st 2016, 6:20am

I play on the free to play server and to be honest i have spent very little on this game in terms of irl cash you will almost always catch me finding the most efficient way to farm gold each patch. also there does exist a mentor ships system however it is more for helping you kill zone bosses and giving your leveling character an epic piece or two than to speed up leveling time void is an expedient way to level at this point though questing itself doesnt take to horribly long if you stay focused on it my advice would be to put some music on and grind away because allods zones have some very beautiful sights


Wednesday, December 21st 2016, 11:35am

Yo, Stylegod here

I can help you with pushing game more, i have website about gaming so find me in game so we can talk about your project :)


Wednesday, December 21st 2016, 5:37pm

It's all lies, I don't talk stats. I know nothing. I just spam 1234567890.


Wednesday, December 21st 2016, 6:25pm

lol this is true neth is known to just push 1 2 3


Thursday, December 22nd 2016, 9:55pm



Posts: 447

Location: In my little corner of YT so stay out of it.

Occupation: Pro Afk'r

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Thanks for the mention you big ooph you!
:D Just kidding.

Hello Killa!!!
Merry Christmas from me and Saint :love:
HCL!!!! Merry Christmas to you and Saint. Amber misses you guys.

Killa, I am glad you still have hopes for this game. Gone for 4 months moving and moving again, come back and well could never catch up specially with the patch basically 3 months earlier then we would normally have expected it. Decided to log in and quest some today and wouldn't you know it, for the second time they reset the stupid battleground thingys I have been saving to get the pvp ruby. Pissed me off so now I am not sure if I am going to come back.

I have been here since 2010, been through the Gipat patch in which everyone I knew left due to, been through the merge that Pio kept telling us would NEVER happen and yet things just keep getting worse.

Anyway good luck to you and your streaming.

Contemplating on quitting


Friday, December 23rd 2016, 1:05am



Posts: 1,349

Location: Wisconsin - USA

Occupation: Destoryer of all things you love

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HCL!!!! Merry Christmas to you and Saint. Amber misses you guys.

:love: :love: :love: Merry Christmas from Saint and I!


Friday, December 23rd 2016, 11:45am

hey "this guy" Killa,;p

hey sounds like a good idea man. ill prob pop in your streams here and there to spam ur chat "this guy" ^^. loljk

best of luck with it though Killa.

-cheers Ant.

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