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Monday, January 30th 2017, 2:26am

Is the (Snow Resort) the only event where we can get mounts?

Also, I was wondering if you can buy more than one mount in this event.
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Monday, January 30th 2017, 2:21pm

there are other events too that come to my mind

- trpical atoll (horse wolf griffon)
- allods anniversary (wolf)

on winterresort i think the oven is the only mount
but there are other mountskins available


Monday, January 30th 2017, 3:08pm



Posts: 1,349

Location: Wisconsin - USA

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It's the only event you can get a mount that's worth a damn, but no, there are other super slow-ass mounts from the events AOP mentioned above.


Tuesday, January 31st 2017, 7:59am



Posts: 276

Location: Sweden

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It's the only event you can get a mount that's worth a damn, but no, there are other super slow-ass mounts from the events AOP mentioned above.

You can use the Kelpie mount though if you like the lookz of another mount,
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