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Tuesday, January 31st 2017, 4:01am

Is it worth it for a (Best Friend)?

I was wondering if I should buy this or not.
user_10191317 has attached the following images:
  • best.GIF
  • best2.GIF


Tuesday, January 31st 2017, 4:09am

My opinion, no. The main reason for it was mount sharing, which at this time is just complete garbage.


Tuesday, January 31st 2017, 5:01am



My opinion, no. The main reason for it was mount sharing, which at this time is just complete garbage.

Why is it garbage? It is a lot cheaper that way to get a mount instead of buying one yourself. I'd say it's worth it. on top of that you can also use your BF's astral ship and have a teleport RIGHT to your best friend and a free teleport back to EXACTLY where you came from.


Tuesday, January 31st 2017, 5:16am

A ship is no longer required to go to allods, so most people don't bother.
The teleport is "fun" but not really functional in my opinion. But I have a permanent Goblin Banker so...
Mount sharing is easily the "best" feature of it, but was limited to rank 4 or below mounts. If that hasn't changed, it's garbage since it's easy enough to buy an as good, or better mount now. Example being the chimney mount from the Winter Atoll.

I guess I should say it isn't worth buying unless you know someone who can make it worth the time. In my opinion it isn't worth finding someone just to borrow a slow ass rank 4 mount. Also, the cost was based on level, so if you have a low level reincarnation you could save a bunch of gold.


Tuesday, January 31st 2017, 8:08am



Posts: 276

Location: Sweden

Occupation: Makin 'em GAINS bro

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I'd say this might've been worth it if Allods actually had a decent population with new players being active. The mount deal could've been worth it for a beginner who doesn't yet know if he/she wants to spend any money on the game, and just wants access to a mount for quicker leveling. But since there are no people leveling in this game, it's pretty useless.
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-Bernard M. Baruch


Thursday, February 2nd 2017, 2:05am

I'd say this might've been worth it if Allods actually had a decent population with new players being active
How many new players?


Thursday, February 2nd 2017, 8:24am



Posts: 276

Location: Sweden

Occupation: Makin 'em GAINS bro

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How many new players?

That's a rather odd question I can't really answer, but with "decent" I mean the low to mid-level areas actually being populated with a decent amount of people. It's pretty much dead right now.
“If you want to conquer fear, don't sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.”
-Dale Carnegie

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.”
-Bernard M. Baruch

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