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Thursday, February 16th 2017, 1:15pm

3 Little orders

Hello to everyone...
We have 3 orders there and its totally unfair with prestige rating because every class is different on they way, so all classes cant to farm same amount of prestige when kingdom of elementals come.
Or there is lack of free spots for farming especially when u guys added now we need to be flaged for farming that, and I am sure nobody is crazy to spend 24 hours of farming on kingdom of elementals....
so or delete that option for kingdom of elementals farming or make more channels so everyone can go and farm easier (its not same to farm kobodls what in bunch is easier then elementals what choke u or freeze u or harder to kill it)

2. top 10 ppl
again there is not fair some ppl change in some class last day and take places from 1 place player the trial of blood
or some ppl change they main and few reincs with morph all in same classes and in same order and take 1 2 3 4 5th places.

Hope this allods will do some kind of changes for future


Thursday, February 16th 2017, 2:37pm

if someone puts all the effort to do what you describe he deserves his rewards...
and what about that "unfair" thing? 1st off this game is not about fairness, its about becoming suerior due to more effort than others, its about becoming uneven with others (uneven = other word for unfair)
second, everyone CAN do it - and everyone decide whether its worth or not
everyone starts with a level 1 char... what you do with this char is your thing...


Thursday, February 16th 2017, 3:17pm

saying somebody with full cs and 13s runes....


Friday, February 17th 2017, 7:19am

u are so smart on every single forum page....pls go back to basic school and learn something first and then stop to pretend u are the smartest one for every single forum


Monday, February 20th 2017, 1:46am

i think i read in a future patch they will take away the prestige from koe or something so no more farming there (even tho this is how its supposed to be right? you farm = you get high place^^ not that i complain as i hate farming and if this is getting taken out i will get high place without doing anything :D)

as to bloodtrials iam not sure if i understood you right there but you complain how some ppl change class to an easy one where is less competition right? well as long as the morphers are still up thats their good right and actually its more of a sad thing those ppl perform better on a new class than ppl playing it mainly^^


Monday, February 20th 2017, 2:02pm

as to bloodtrials iam not sure if i understood you right there but you complain how some ppl change class to an easy one where is less competition right? well as long as the morphers are still up thats their good right and actually its more of a sad thing those ppl perform better on a new class than ppl playing it mainly

No, you did not understand right.

The problem isn't when they change class and achieve their rank with that new, changed class.

The problem is when they use their old class to achieve the rank and then change class, so their old rank competes with people who used entirely different class (which might have completely different limits).

Fact they don't need to have any knowledge whatsoever about the class they just changed to makes it even more absurd.


Monday, February 20th 2017, 3:20pm

u are so smart on every single forum page....pls go back to basic school and learn something first and then stop to pretend u are the smartest one for every single forum

this comment reads like you are angry just because im right
....please tell me more about maturity and how mature you are ^^

so... is it wrong that it does not matter who says something if its true? :P


Wednesday, February 22nd 2017, 1:19am

@dala wait this doesnt work right? if i understand you rigth you mean to lets say make 950 score on engi and then switch to warden who cant get this score ever then it would count for warden? i dont think this works as i have a few ppl in my grp who only change class for blood trials every 2 weeks


Wednesday, February 22nd 2017, 1:19pm

Excuse me for my ignorance, but what are the rewards for higher order prestige?
I don't know, and I don't know what I don't know, you know? :|


Wednesday, February 22nd 2017, 11:52pm

the higher you are the more you get from the order npc and you get special titles

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