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Saturday, May 13th 2017, 7:39pm



  • "Azir" started this thread

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Which would you pick?

If you could have one of the old raids, GT, Deadcity, Tep, or Eclipse. Redone to match the level cap now which one would you pick? and why? and what would you like to see added to the raid?

I myself have always enjoyed DeadCity it was long but it was fun and the relic weapon skins from it always looked awesome. The Tactics were basic but it was still a hard at times, :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Saturday, May 13th 2017, 8:06pm

actually i think they just recyle teps next patch anyway so maybe with next patches you also will see other raids :D


Saturday, May 13th 2017, 8:12pm



  • "Azir" started this thread

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I just downed tep solo its not upgraded unless your talking about 8.1


Saturday, May 13th 2017, 8:18pm

i am happy that the1st 2nd and 3rd raid (GT / DC / TP) can be done solo now
i dont want changes to them

i would rather welcome the possibility to do the other raids also as a soloplayer, so maybe adjust the catherina raid so its soloable or something


Saturday, May 13th 2017, 9:04pm



  • "Azir" started this thread

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As much as I like soloing those raids its gets boring I would rather have then redo leveled up and more challenging and new drops I mean once you have soloed them for all the costumes just means there dead raids.

I also miss being able to do heroic dungeons. I dont know how many people remember those running heroics to get gear.


Saturday, May 13th 2017, 9:13pm

i remember the heroic dungeons level 40 (i started when level 51 was max)
they were helpful to fill the exp-gap rookies often get into (like me at this time)^^


Saturday, May 13th 2017, 9:20pm

RAID 24 Gorluxor tower *_*
Orions maximus decimus meridius
Grand Théurgiste

PEGI 18 !


Saturday, May 13th 2017, 9:20pm



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removing the draconic relics was a really bad idea imo, they made raids so fucking easy now and without this specific pieces of gear to get there's no fancy rewards (appart from costumes but as you said once you got all of them you never do the raid again).
Raids have just become a boring continuation of the even more boring gear race, while they used to be more challenging with interesting rewards that gave a small boost on the long run (now it's a huge boost for a few months... how to fuck up the concept of a progressive game x_x)

To me every raids should be available in 2 modes : normal mode (as they exist now) to just farm your rubi and costumes); and current lvl mode (with normal and hardmode) so every week would be a different raid (or we could choose but then one raid would certainly be easier than the others and would be farmed all the time...)
The new, current lvl versions would have new bosses patterns (more "modern") to rediscover the raid with fresh and challenging tactics; they could drop new costumes and/or last generation of mounts color patterns (like a lighing bolt dead city color, a dragon tep's color...)
Then they could also go back to the draconic gear system but well, if i start talking about this kind of stuff i'd like them just to give us the pre-7.0 allods back that's all :(


Saturday, May 13th 2017, 9:36pm



  • "Azir" started this thread

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I was a big fan of allods when the level cap was around 51 and 55 that was but area of fun. you got gear from astrals rather then having to upgrade your gear and you unlock epic, legend and fable astrals to get higher level gear no upgrading at all.


Saturday, May 13th 2017, 11:18pm

I was a big fan of allods when the level cap was around 51 and 55 that was but area of fun. you got gear from astrals rather then having to upgrade your gear and you unlock epic, legend and fable astrals to get higher level gear no upgrading at all.

51 was upgrading gear with amalgam too!
4 upgrades from blue to purple with 32 amalgam... i remember that Iamgroot (who was named HCLFTW at this time) posted a helpful list on the american forum
it was helpful to me since i lacked a lot of knowledge back then
however gearing was so complicated and i wasnt willing to pay for mercs so i did not gear up but rather farmed mobs to upgrade my runes ( which totally payed off on the long)

55 was introduction of glyphs; i had good glyphs in comparison to others because i was one of the few who recognized there were lots of free glyphs from a NPC
you still had to upgrade gear
i managed to get orange + some teal parts since free mercenary auto astral was introduced at this time and the part with the ship could be skipped for free finally
at some point they totally reworked warrior and i was one of the happiest allods-players at this time because warrior was HORRIBLE inferior to every other class before this rework ^^'

level 60 was wellebell patch
-> best gearing system at all, i farmed wellebell forlorn etc solo all the time and did no astral at all
i geared up while farming (mobs gave good gold)
best time ever regarding the gearupsystem
mirage mount was introduced at this time and pegasus was sold shortly after, very cheap

level 65 was ferris patch
i remember that questing was done so fast i was disappointed
the part for part unlock of the storyline felt not very satisfying
i remember gaining my orange carnifex at this time and i remember how happy i was when lightningbolt was FINALLY brought to sale

level 70 was dane patch
monolith sale made me happy but i was disappointed i could never enjoy the higher manareg the one scroll for the combatarmor gave since mana was removed already with this patch
the classchanges made the game too fast (shooter-feeling) while the GCD made the game feel like constant lag

now we have level 75, ammer patch


Sunday, May 14th 2017, 12:28am

I agree with @freestile. I think the old raids should have different modes: "story" with the original level, then "easy/hard" set to the cap level. They should add them to the search function, maybe one per week, so all focus on one (to make it easier to find parties).

As for the rewards, don't know, maybe amalgams, dust, insignias, and tokens for new costumes (that is always nice!).


Sunday, May 14th 2017, 3:30am



  • "Azir" started this thread

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Ok this chat was about raid chat not gear chat . Were talking about which raid they should redo


Sunday, May 14th 2017, 12:57pm



Posts: 225

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In new raid 8.1
1st boss is DK from DC
2nd Kazul GT
3rd Nihil (same tactic)
4th is new one

So this should be interesting :D
Russian p2p / leauge side / Ремпэйдж


Sunday, May 14th 2017, 3:01pm



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In new raid 8.1
1st boss is DK from DC
2nd Kazul GT
3rd Nihil (same tactic)
4th is new one

So this should be interesting :D

this is just pure lazyness from the devs imo and it's very annoying (i guess they found a justification to re use them with the storyline but thought... cmon! somthing nex pls!)

edit : to me the old raids available at current lvlcap as i've explained in my previous post should be somthing extra... not the actual new raid x_x


Sunday, May 14th 2017, 3:12pm



Posts: 225

Location: Bosnia and Herzegovina

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In new raid 8.1
1st boss is DK from DC
2nd Kazul GT
3rd Nihil (same tactic)
4th is new one

So this should be interesting :D

this is just pure lazyness from the devs imo and it's very annoying (i guess they found a justification to re use them with the storyline but thought... cmon! somthing nex pls!)

edit : to me the old raids available at current lvlcap as i've explained in my previous post should be somthing extra... not the actual new raid x_x
Ye they are very lazy to do something like that. But i think in 8.2 they will do the same thing, few bosses from old raids and that is it...
Russian p2p / leauge side / Ремпэйдж

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