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I was a big fan of allods when the level cap was around 51 and 55 that was but area of fun. you got gear from astrals rather then having to upgrade your gear and you unlock epic, legend and fable astrals to get higher level gear no upgrading at all.
In new raid 8.1
1st boss is DK from DC
2nd Kazul GT
3rd Nihil (same tactic)
4th is new one
So this should be interesting
Ye they are very lazy to do something like that. But i think in 8.2 they will do the same thing, few bosses from old raids and that is it...In new raid 8.1
1st boss is DK from DC
2nd Kazul GT
3rd Nihil (same tactic)
4th is new one
So this should be interesting
this is just pure lazyness from the devs imo and it's very annoying (i guess they found a justification to re use them with the storyline but thought... cmon! somthing nex pls!)
edit : to me the old raids available at current lvlcap as i've explained in my previous post should be somthing extra... not the actual new raid x_x