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This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Gwiniel" (Jun 4th 2017, 3:07pm)
HOWEVER Xadaganian females have black lingerie! Maybe he remembered the faction wrong.
Had totally forgot those pink sport undies. Maybe saw them once when I tried Empire side the first time probably late 2011. Did Kanians have black undies at some point then???Depends how far back you're referring to. As far as I'm aware that was a side-effect of the Xada-Fem rework in 2012. Old Xadaganian's pre-model rework wore pinkish/red sports bra and underwear.
Thanks for sharingyep, the kanian female had this black underwear.
Found a old video for this...
Yeah, same. Never realized they had that black underwear before. Picture I linked previously in the thread is how it looked back when I joined too. So must have been around the same time.Thanks for sharing I started playing allods in summer 2010 so I suppose it was changed before that as the video is from February 2010. I wonder why... it wasn't really worse than the elven undies what comes to sexiness and exposed skin.