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Sunday, June 4th 2017, 1:18pm



  • "Gwiniel" started this thread

Posts: 530

Location: Kuopio, Finland

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Swimsuit contest?

Will there be the "traditional" swimsuit design contest in 2017? In previous years it has been during Tropical Atoll.

PS. Will there ever be Winter Atoll contest for winter clothing?
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Sunday, June 4th 2017, 9:51pm


Tuesday, June 13th 2017, 11:26am



  • "Gwiniel" started this thread

Posts: 530

Location: Kuopio, Finland

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Send a PM. Will see, if there will be any answers. I hope so...
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Important guide for new players: Patronage: requirements and benefits


Monday, June 26th 2017, 7:02pm



  • "Gwiniel" started this thread

Posts: 530

Location: Kuopio, Finland

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Got an answer and this won't be happening this year ;( Kinda knew that's the case as soon as I saw the Tropical Atoll cocktail event.
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Important guide for new players: Patronage: requirements and benefits


Monday, June 26th 2017, 7:05pm

Vickie Lynn


Posts: 263

Location: Lyon, France

Occupation: Teacher

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Sad news, seems they prefer bring us communication events, in order to promote the game...
I prefer to be bad in game rather than being a trash in real life


Thursday, June 29th 2017, 1:52pm

Maybe next year, fav event, maybe next.

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