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Monday, March 31st 2014, 3:59am

Dead City Costume and Mount

You can no longer get the Dead City Costume or mounts due to the level of the Mobs.

Any chance we can have what was done to GT get done to Dead City so we can still get those drops?


Monday, March 31st 2014, 7:04am

You can no longer get the Dead City Costume or mounts due to the level of the Mobs.

Any chance we can have what was done to GT get done to Dead City so we can still get those drops?
As far as i am aware, its the same as GT.
U can get costumes, mounts and bag (and rubies for completing).

Former Alias: Stoeipoesje, ISA server.


Monday, March 31st 2014, 7:48am



Posts: 36

Location: Lithuania

Occupation: Student, Gamer

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You must have been in one of those greedy raids that set loot system to master looter :D


Monday, March 31st 2014, 2:14pm



Posts: 361

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As Zhankou said you can still loot mount , costume and even some loot from end wing boss and nihaz
Sigmar 95 Demonist Officer of Legacy (Empire / P2P
Also HolyCurves , Malagor , Seya ,Therrettih , MySQL , TheProdigy

Old character
Alaff (90 Warrior F2P)
Alaff (95 Warrior P2P)


Saturday, April 5th 2014, 3:51am

I can confirm that no boss drops loot in F2P Dead City at lvl 60 other then last boss in Dragon Wing.

No matter the loot settings.


Saturday, April 5th 2014, 12:51pm

DC is weird now. Only the bosses that have chests when you kill them drop stuff. The last time we did it only the 3 trainers in the wormface wing dropped and the dragon in the dragon wing dropped relics, Nihaz only dropped the mount and bag.
Fiddler - Bard - Avarice
Kulha - Warrior - Avarice


Saturday, April 5th 2014, 6:37pm

so the lvl 51 draco relics are GONE?

what about the costumes? does the costume chest still drop?
Sailoryue: lvl 60 Bard
Painkiller: lvl 50 Healer
Palpatine: Lvl 45 Psi (ret)
Mereda: lvl 53 scout (ret)
(anonymous): lvl 55 Paladin (RET)


Saturday, April 5th 2014, 6:43pm

Costume chest drops one per clear (from Great Dragon)

Relics drop from great dragon and three trainers.

In Tep's Pyramid bosses still drop loot like pre 5.0

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