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Friday, July 8th 2016, 11:10am


French Community Manager

  • "Reira" started this thread
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Sale: Radiant Strongbox of the Merchant – 08/07/16

Dear Sarnaut,

With no visible end to the ongoing war with the Architects, and with many other fascinating challenges on the horizon, veteran fighters all over Sarnaut have began stockpiling their resources for the days ahead. For those who wish to fight back harder than ever, the Merchant Guilds of Sarnaut have bundled together chests full of potions and elixirs, hoping to strengthen combatants against upcoming threats.

The Merchant Guilds have also taken this opportunity to make this seem like a celebration in itself, holding a special lottery every day for those who emphasise preparation over celebration, making sure that fighters not only have tasty liquid courage to ease future battles, but also a pocket full of crystal chips and gold coins to purchase anything else they may need along their journey.

By opening a Radiant Strongbox of the Merchant, players will receive offensive elixirs, defensive potions, bonus strongboxes, delicious consumables, or even Vials of Life or Death -- and are automatically entered into a unique daily lottery with additional prizes!
  • This sale is active from the 8th until the 15th of July.
[Find the items on the official website]

Daily Lottery:

Every player who opens a Radiant Strongbox of the Merchant automatically joins a unique Sarnaut lottery.

Each day, the player who opens more strongboxes than anyone else shall receive an unstable Multi-barrelled Turret and an Inquisitor's Ship Design - while incentive prizes, such as Gold andCrystal Chips, are also sent to players from 1st to the 50th ranking.

Lottery results are published daily at noon. Remember -- once the "Radiant Strongbox of the Merchant" event ends, so do the lotteries!

Allods Europe CM Lead | Contacter notre service d'assistance

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