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Tuesday, July 12th 2016, 3:23pm

Crafting too expensive

Hello Allods community,

As a new player I have to say my biggest issue right now on the p2p server is the lack of low level economy (since there are very few new players) which is making crafting next to impossible since the crafting mats are very expensive compared to the zero return you make on low level crafting. This is a real shame as it makes crafting purely end game focused, unenjoyable, and an unprofitable grind.

A friend I came here with has already given up because she simply can't afford to craft her own goods.

My friend and I have played MMOs for well over a decade and crafting has always been a favourite activity that allows us to take a break from the quest/leveling grind. It's a shame we can't enjoy it here because we simply can't afford it. Mats are just too expensive for us.

I've played on low pop servers in the past, for different games like private WoW servers, and what people do is the administrators or elder gamers will buy out low level mats and gear off AH to simulate a healthy economy and give lowbies a chance at making money. Maybe that could be done here?

Anyway just a suggestion.



Tuesday, July 12th 2016, 3:28pm

as there are no material-looters on P2P server resources are very limited as its very timeconsuming to gather herbs & ores
on free server you can get a looter-manual and from then your lootpet will collect the ores & herbs for you

if you write in zonechat you want to buy some you will find a seller & auctionhouse is also there

but aside from that, lets be honest, crafting has never been really worth the effort in allods (high or lowlevel)
you get besster gear by leveling over time anyway and the small temporary boosts from potions are negligible


Tuesday, July 12th 2016, 5:41pm

hey User, are you on league or empire side? If you're on empire side feel free to message me in game. My name is Dranid and I'll send you the mats I have if you need them so you can start working on your profession :)


Tuesday, July 12th 2016, 5:41pm

Crafting is worth it if you're trying to craft hammers though at 70


Tuesday, July 12th 2016, 6:03pm

Crafting is worth it if you're trying to craft hammers though at 70

No, actually it doesn't for the moment. The required materials from NPCs should cost 75% left with 7.0.1.
Stargazer - P2P League
Hiren - P2P Empire


Tuesday, July 12th 2016, 6:20pm

Crafting is worth it if you're trying to craft hammers though at 70

No, actually it doesn't for the moment. The required materials from NPCs should cost 75% left with 7.0.1.
I forgot to keep that in mind. Whoops, thank you for the correction.

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