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Thursday, July 28th 2016, 11:01pm

I come from steam

Hi I was browsing for a new game to play on steam and ran into this game. I made an account and read a couple post, some good, some really confusing and others that make me wonder. Anyways I tried 2 characters to level 8 and I was going to perhaps subscribe to the paying server but remembered reading in a post by someone saying they might wait for a free trail. Are these coming any time soon? Just curious before I take the dive and pay. Thanks


Thursday, July 28th 2016, 11:07pm



Posts: 440

Location: France

Occupation: Quitted

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Hey and welcome :)

If i were you, I would continue to explore and level up on the f2p server for a little time - free trial for P2P has been announced but only GM knows when it will come !
You can make yourself a good idea if you like the game or not on f2p too, and anyway making new toons on p2p and catching up is easier there since they have a 30% xp bonus :)


Thursday, July 28th 2016, 11:09pm

Hey and welcome :)

If i were you, I would continue to explore and level up on the f2p server for a little time - free trial for P2P has been announced but only GM knows when it will come !
You can make yourself a good idea if you like the game or not on f2p too, and anyway making new toons on p2p and catching up is easier there since they have a 30% xp bonus :)

oh perfect I guess I will just wait it out for now and hopefully they mention it soon. The game seems very nice tyvm


Friday, July 29th 2016, 8:31am



Posts: 276

Location: Sweden

Occupation: Makin 'em GAINS bro

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Don't mind all the negative posts about this game, it just has some flaws regarding the cash shop etc. but the game itself is awesome.
And since you're going for the P2P server, you won't even have to worry about the cash shop, you'll just get to enjoy all the fun this game has to offer! I'm waiting for the free trial as well then I'm probably gonna make a char on the Empire faction. If you're deciding to join the Imps as well, let me know your IGN here and I'll add ya! :)
“If you want to conquer fear, don't sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.”
-Dale Carnegie

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Friday, July 29th 2016, 9:28am



Posts: 868

Location: France

Occupation: DPSSSSSS!!^^

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Don't mind all the negative posts about this game, it just has some flaws regarding the cash shop etc. but the game itself is awesome.
And since you're going for the P2P server, you won't even have to worry about the cash shop, you'll just get to enjoy all the fun this game has to offer! I'm waiting for the free trial as well then I'm probably gonna make a char on the Empire faction. If you're deciding to join the Imps as well, let me know your IGN here and I'll add ya! :)

exactly, i think that's what every new player should remember. All these pboblems regarding the cs and these debates between the fp2 and p2p server don't amtter that much as long as you like the game and enjoy playing it ;) this must always remain the most important thing, and as allods is truely amazing (i think we all agree with that :love: i'm sure you'll have a great time and wont regret it, so welcome man :P

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