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Saturday, August 6th 2016, 11:50am

pvp bg

Hi guys
since the ongoing of this patch bg pull rarely Is that is due to only pop number?


Saturday, August 6th 2016, 2:11pm



Posts: 165

Location: Serbia

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People are maybe just trying to gear up.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Diktator" (Aug 7th 2016, 9:05am)


Sunday, August 7th 2016, 1:37am

yeah testing stuff, gearing, clering new raid and so on^^ not much time for bgs :D


Sunday, August 7th 2016, 1:53am



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clearing new raid is no feat since it can be done in 6 people party - Legends dit it


Monday, August 8th 2016, 5:30pm

clearing new raid is no feat since it can be done in 6 people party - Legends dit it

We cleared that raid easy and were first time there, didn't know anything in advance. Assuming you watch out about basic things to not get one shot by mechanics it is very easy, certainly easier than fractal.

Now there is one more thing to consider.
You say it is easy so 6 people can do it. Yes, it is easy for teams who are high runed and well equipped with CS stuff.

But you must also consider that people who are very low CS and no runes, or very low ones will also try this once they reach 83k (specially if they additionally carry lower geared friends who don't yet have 83k). For them it will be tad more difficult and they will not do this in 6 people for sure. This is situation as it stands at the moment.

And those people also go to battlegrounds, in fact they constitute a large part of battleground community. So even if top guilds do the raid quickly and then can go back to BG. This doesn't mean most of player population will.

Therefore new raid IS one of the factors of BGs popping up slower.

Have a nice day. :)

This post has been edited 6 times, last edit by "Gothica" (Aug 8th 2016, 5:43pm)


Monday, August 8th 2016, 10:22pm



Posts: 440

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Hmm don't know. My example was to show how easy it is indeed, if 6 players can clear it on day 2 in the patch (even if they have CS) - not meant to diminish what other players/guild do. But raid is 1 evening in a week, no matter really how long you need to down it, it still leaves 6 (and a half) other days for BGs xD


Tuesday, August 9th 2016, 6:35pm

also keep in mind i think they changed invite system a little bit it only starts if every team is full maybe some ppl get bored and unsign cuz its taking too long

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